Put Your Company Logo on Cotton!

Written by Kelli Fassbender

An effective way to gain company recognition is to order custom t-shirts with your company name, logo, phone number, and other important information on them. You can use customized apparel to outfit your employees as well as to contribute a sense of professionalism and reliability to your company. In addition to outfitting your company withrepparttar custom apparel, you can market your brand by distributingrepparttar 149367 custom designed clothing to your customers and potential clients.

Ordering custom t-shirts is easy: you can contact a local printer to make them, or you can design and order them online. There are several websites that have t-shirt design interfaces in which you can design and order your t-shirts entirely online. Whatever type of company you choose, however, you will want to make sure thatrepparttar 149368 process they use is screen-printing rather than heat transferring becauserepparttar 149369 prints will last longer and look more professional.

Because printing prices can vary drastically, you should get quotes from several different companies before ordering. The benefits of ordering online include convenience, not having to pay taxes onrepparttar 149370 goods, and in some cases, complimentary shipping. The benefits of using a local screenprinter include being able to seerepparttar 149371 goods before you purchase them, and perhaps, speaking directly withrepparttar 149372 artist. A downside to ordering locally includes having to go torepparttar 149373 local screenprinter to place your order and then pickingrepparttar 149374 items up yourself. If you order online, however, you will haverepparttar 149375 items shipped directly to you. An online screenprinter that we find very reputable for printing company apparel is DesignAShirt.com. Checkrepparttar 149376 yellow pages for local printers.

The Best Website Traffic Sources

Written by John Iacovakis

You have to search a lot to find what is most likely to work for your web site. Once you get an understanding for each type of advertising then you can put it to work.

Website directories: Helpful for one way links to your website to increase link popularity. Do not expect a lot of clicks.

Free Classified ads: Expect what you pay for. Nothing!

Safe lists: Stay away!

Opt in email lists: Terrific! But you need traffic to build your list of opt-in subscribers…

Free Banner exchanges: You need traffic to get traffic from banner ads! In general you’ll earn one banner impression for every two you display on your page. Try banner campaigns in combination with a pop under campaign. Send that cheap traffic to a web page with original content and some banners from 2-6 free banner exchanges. Be careful: Do not create a banner “farm”! The banner exchanges will suspend your account.

If you buy banner ads on topic related websites, expect a click trough rate of 0.5%-1.5%

Search engine optimisation: A must! But have in mind that it’s a long-term strategy, costing thousands of dollars (unless you know how to do it yourself) but results are not guaranteed…

Cost-per-click text advertising: The best source of traffic, but costing from $0.10 to as much as several dollars per visitor! Even if you have keywords for $0.10, it’s almost impossible to get thousands of visitors every month using only this method.

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