Put Muscle on Your News Proposal

Written by Rusty Cawley

Let’s say your company is opening a new widget plant. Immediately, you have change, which is one ofrepparttar four basic elements of news.

But change is alsorepparttar 121044 most common of these four elements, and thusrepparttar 121045 weakest. You should search for other elements withinrepparttar 121046 story.

PR Rainmakers recognize these four basic elements of news: change, conflict, aberration and problem.

Any one of these, if significant in its scope, can spark media interest in your story. The more of these elements that are present,repparttar 121047 most likely you are to get a reporter’s attention.

Butrepparttar 121048 converse is also true. You must have at least one of these elements in your story proposal, or you simply do not have a news story.

We’ve looked at change. Let’s look atrepparttar 121049 other three elements that can put muscle on a weak news proposal.

You find out that some industry experts think it’s insane for a company to invest in a widget plant inrepparttar 121050 current economy. There’s conflict.

You learn that your company’s widget factory isrepparttar 121051 nation’s first new widget factory since World War II. There’s aberration.

You discover that your company must convince customers to embrace a revolutionary new design over cheap imports of an outdated, but functional design. There’s your problem.

With any of these three elements, you’ve got a much stronger story to offer than with change alone. And if you can work all four into your proposal, you’ve got a monster story with which to work.

Let the News Media Typecast You

Written by Rusty Cawley

In 1930, Hollywood actor Bela Lugosi turned down an offer to playrepparttar Monster in “Frankenstein.” This happened just after Lugosi scored a huge box office hit as Count Dracula.

A European-trained stage actor with experience as a romantic lead, Lugosi rejectedrepparttar 121043 Frankenstein role because he didn’t want to be typecast as a star of horror movies.

He would later declare this asrepparttar 121044 worst decision in his life.

Instead,repparttar 121045 role ofrepparttar 121046 Monster went to Boris Karloff, a journeyman actor who embracedrepparttar 121047 curse of typecasting as a blessing.

Had Lugosi said yes to Frankenstein, he could have dominatedrepparttar 121048 horror genre forrepparttar 121049 next 25 years. Instead, his decision forced him to sharerepparttar 121050 spotlight at Universal Studios with Karloff and later with Lon Chaney Jr.

Indeed, Karloff went on to eclipse Lugosi. As late asrepparttar 121051 1960s, Karloff continued to star in major projects, such asrepparttar 121052 TV series “Thriller” andrepparttar 121053 animated version of “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.”

Lugosi ended his career in 1956 by starring in what is generally regarded asrepparttar 121054 worst movie every made, “Plan 9 From Outer Space.”

So what’srepparttar 121055 lesson?

Don’t fight typecasting. Forget about being all things to all people.

Focus your energies on a narrow band of profitable opportunities.

As long as Harlan Sanders ran a roadside café that offered a menu aimed at satisfying any appetite, he remained a small-time entrepreneur. But when fate forced him out ofrepparttar 121056 café, Sanders focused his energies upon his most popular dish: a chicken fried in 11 herbs and spices.

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