Purpose of Fasting in Islam

Written by Allama Parvez

The evening prayer has attracted a larger than usual number of worshippers. Today,repparttar advent ofrepparttar 126753 new moon might heraldrepparttar 126754 start ofrepparttar 126755 holy month of Ramadan -repparttar 126756 Muslim month of fasting. In an effort to observerepparttar 126757 Sunnah ofrepparttar 126758 Muhammad (PBUH), some worshippers are busy trying to sightrepparttar 126759 new moon whenrepparttar 126760 call to prayer is made. Afterrepparttar 126761 prayer,repparttar 126762 Imam is informed thatrepparttar 126763 new moon has been sighted. Members ofrepparttar 126764 council also confirm this news. This prompts worshippers to congratulate each other andrepparttar 126765 mosque is filled withrepparttar 126766 chants of Allahu Akbar (God is great).

For this grouprepparttar 126767 holy month of Ramadan has begun. Yet Muslims in many other mosques are still debating whether or notrepparttar 126768 new moon has been sighted. Sunni Muslims generally look to Saudi Arabia for answers to this, as well as many other religious matters. Although ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) has established for North American Muslims, a Shura (or consultation) council for dealing with controversial religious issues (such as moon sighting), many Imams in local mosques decide such matters on their own.

Year after year, this story is repeated among Muslims in many towns aroundrepparttar 126769 world. This pillar of Islam begins with controversy among Muslims and ends with controversy. Shi‘as have their own clerical system and their Imams look to Iran in this matter rather than Saudi Arabia. One wonders if this isrepparttar 126770 way our messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions started and endedrepparttar 126771 holy month of Ramadan.


Written by Irvin L. Rozier

Victory in Jesus

This is story number three (out of 50) from my book.

Eccl 9.12 "For man also knoweth not his time: asrepparttar fishes that are taken in an evil net, and asrepparttar 126752 birds that are caught inrepparttar 126753 snare; so arerepparttar 126754 sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them."

One night about 11:30 PM, I received a phone call from my sister who lived 200 yards from me. She said, "I've been trying to call you for 30 minutes but all I got was a man cussing me out." I immediately feltrepparttar 126755 presence of evil and sensed that what she was about to tell me was somethingrepparttar 126756 devil did not want me to hear. She said, "One of our cousins, 38 years old, suddenly fell sick at work, and he was in intensive care inrepparttar 126757 local hospital." Well, I knew he had been running from God and was not prepared to meet his maker.

I began to pray for him as I drove over torepparttar 126758 hospital. I asked God to save him before He takes him. Outsiderepparttar 126759 doors ofrepparttar 126760 intensive care whererepparttar 126761 family had gathered, I prayed for my cousin. We were born three days apart and grew up together. As I had no brothers, just four sisters, he was like a brother to me. About 1:30 AM, I went in to see him. His wife spoke his name and said, "Irvin is here." I said, "You know God loves you, and I love you."

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