Pull Your Wagon

Written by David Leonhardt

The Little Lady offers so many lessons. Almost two now (just a couple days), she went for a ride with her 14-month old cousin in a wagon. We adults took turns pulling . . . until Little Lady decided that SHE wanted to pull. And once she got her hands onrepparttar handle, pityrepparttar 111411 adult foolish enough to try to relieve her of her responsibilities!

Was it easy for her to pullrepparttar 111412 heavy and bulky wagon? No. Did she stop after a minute? No. Five minutes? No. Ten minutes? No. It was almost as if she knew this was a test of character and she wanted to get an A+

The Realities of Your Relationship

Written by Michael Myerscough

Relationship Reality

One of my aims in life is to break down any sense that we are alone, that our challenges are in any way unique or special. It’s all just stuff that gets inrepparttar way of us being our best, but just like gum on your shoe, it can be scraped off.

Every relationship you get into is going to move through three nicely predictable stages. Romance is first up, being of courserepparttar 111410 absolute best bit. It’s likerepparttar 111411 cherry on your cake, knowing you’ve met Mr. or Mrs. Right and loving everything about them. The next stage, unless you’re taking some delusional narcotics, isrepparttar 111412 inevitable power struggle. This isrepparttar 111413 time when we start to establish whose needs come first inrepparttar 111414 relationship. Trust me, this is where it gets messy. Do you know that according to Barbara De Angelis there are four stages a relationship moves through as it hits this struggle? These are resistance, resentment, rejection and repression. The power struggle is a nasty, painful phase and potentially we squabble in way’s we’re not proud of.

The bad news is that usingrepparttar 111415 examples we grow up withrepparttar 111416 best most of us ever reach isrepparttar 111417 stage of repression. We look around and realize there are no better options, we loverepparttar 111418 home we’ve built together, we’ve got mutual friends, and we’re more comfortable than we’ve ever been. We then settle for what we’ve got usingrepparttar 111419 tired refrain, “you just can’t have everything” and “Oh well, it’s really not that important”. Well at this point I think it’s really important to ask yourself who’srepparttar 111420 it you are referring to?

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