Publishing Pit Bulls

Written by Lisa Hood

Publishing Pit Bulls

You have invested a great deal into your writing: time, attention, your heart and soul, maybe even a few tears, and now you’re considering investing even more: your cold hard cash. Rather than accepting “No” as an answer to your dream of being published, you have decided to publish your book yourself. Before you put your money where your mouth is, be aware there are publishers willing to take your money and offer little in return.

To self publish, you must take onrepparttar expense of printing, marketing, distributing and storing of your manuscript. You will be involved in every aspect ofrepparttar 129025 publishing process, which could leave you with very little time for writing. However, you will keep 100% ofrepparttar 129026 profits from your book sales.

You may work with a vanity press, which will print and bindrepparttar 129027 book for a substantial fee. Vanity presses are not selective, they will publishrepparttar 129028 work of any one willing to pay, and they do not edit, market, promote or storerepparttar 129029 books once printed. Some vanity publishers do not require upfront money, but require payment for other “services” such as editing, set up charges, promotional charges, or they may ask authors to buy their own books for resale. While they may call themselves “small press” or “traditional”repparttar 129030 fact remains they are a pay for print publisher.

A subsidy publisher will promote their services as a partnership, perhaps offering to absorb some ofrepparttar 129031 publishing costs or provide marketing services. You are still expected to pay a large fee forrepparttar 129032 cost of publishing, but you do not ownrepparttar 129033 books once printed and you receive only a portion ofrepparttar 129034 profits from book sales. You need to be very careful about using subsidy publishers. The only benefit over vanity press isrepparttar 129035 promise to market and promote your work. However, they have already made plenty of profit just from printing your work and are likely to forego any marketing to make a few more dollars in book sales. It’s much more profitable to just move on torepparttar 129036 next new author desperate to see their name in print. According to Writers Beware (2004) “…it's rare that this financial investment is ever recouped through sales. Vanity/subsidy publishers have no economic incentive to get books intorepparttar 129037 hands of readers, since they've already made a profit fromrepparttar 129038 author's fees. Despite what they may promise, they won't effectively market or distribute your work. Some vanity/subsidy publishers don't even have arrangements with book wholesalers, making it impossible obtain books except through you or mayberepparttar 129039 publisher's website.”

How to Market Yourself Successfully as a Writer

Written by Abdallah Khamis Abdallah

To ensure a steady flow of work and income, a writer should promote himself constantly. Not everyone knows you are a writer andrepparttar competition for work is very high. Not only do you compete with publications regular staffers and commissioned writers but with more learned and skilled freelancers.

Marketing should be on top of your priorities after production of your writing. You need to adopt various strategies to get your name out there and display your prowess.

Here are a few useful ways to promote yourself and achieve success:

Website Promotion

In this information age that we are in, it is necessary for every business person to have a web site to display his/her wares as well as communicate with potential customers. You should consider yourself in business and adopt appropriate business practice in order to succeed.

You need a web-site where you explain what writing services you offer, your writing credentials and samples of your published work is essential not only to provide information to would-be clients but to show them your writing competence. Of course there are other add-ons such as auto-responders, ezines, etc to supplement your site. Your website should be optimized for better search engine ranking and its URL displayed in your business documents so that people are informed of its presence..

Articles Submissions

This is a good strategy for publicizing yourself and its effects may last for quite a long time. This strategy works best online.

In this strategy you select subjects and topics in your area of specialization and postrepparttar 129024 complete articles to article submission websites for free publication. Each article will containrepparttar 129025 writer’s byline atrepparttar 129026 beginning and a brief bio atrepparttar 129027 end. The bio will include your name, email address, website URL and what you do or who you are.

If your article is good it may be accepted for publication onrepparttar 129028 website and read by hundreds, if not thousands of people on line. Among these people are editors and ezine publishers who will republishrepparttar 129029 complete article in their publications.

The interest that your article generates andrepparttar 129030 information you provide in your bio will market you as a good writer and people will click on your website URL. The multiplier effect of this will be increased enquiries on what you offer orders for your services or more visitors to your website. You will also have earned credits for publication of your article, which you can send to prospective publishers.

Some ofrepparttar 129031 websites that accept and publish articles submitted are-

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