Public Speaking Tips from the Trenches

Written by Susan Dunn

Many years of experience public speaking, most recently forrepparttar Royal Caribbean and Costa cruise lines, and listening to a host of other accomplished speakers, have taught me how to handle a lot of curve balls.

Here are some public speaking tips fromrepparttar 124456 trenches:

1. You get there and allrepparttar 124457 conditions have changed.

You were promised a projector and it isn't there. There's a mike, but it doesn't work. A presentation for 20 turns out to be 100. Your talk is for 1 ½ hours instead of 45 minutes. SOLUTION: The only solution is to expect these things and be prepared to speak under any conditions, and supported solely by what you brought with you.

2. Someone fromrepparttar 124458 audience says, "Who are you?"

SOLUTION: Answer what they want to know, not what they're asking—can you dorepparttar 124459 job. Give your credentials and experience, who invited you to speak, how they found you and what your connection torepparttar 124460 group is. Stay with it long enough to dissipaterepparttar 124461 tension this has caused forrepparttar 124462 audience. 3. Someone fromrepparttar 124463 audience blurts out, "I know that's true because I was a victim of incest/rape. So what should I do?"

SOLUTION: This is not a question to answer before an audience. Onrepparttar 124464 other hand you, and your audience, are now concerned about this person. Address both issues. Express your concern forrepparttar 124465 trauma in their past and ask them to speak with you afterwards, or to call your office. Ask them if it’s okay for you to continue.

4. You’re losing your audience. There's no sign of life. Their eyes are glazing over.

SOLUTION: This is your problem. Stop and address it. Pump uprepparttar 124466 volume, or askrepparttar 124467 audience why you aren't reaching them and what you can do about it. You'll be off and rolling again soon.

5. So far you've mispronounced a name, givenrepparttar 124468 wrong prize to someone, spoken into a screeching mike, and a piece of ceiling tile just fell on your head.

SOLUTION: Get withrepparttar 124469 feelings. Stop, laugh, and say, "Don't worry. I promise not to hurt myself up here." Then continue on.

6. You show up and it turns out they've publicized a different speech topic than you were told.

SOLUTION: Acknowledgerepparttar 124470 situation, without blaming anyone. The last thing you want to do is accuserepparttar 124471 host of having made a mistake. Say what’s happened, i.e., "I was prepared to speak on ‘Strengths’ and I see here I'm so supposed to talk on ‘Personality Assessments’,” which will getrepparttar 124472 audience on your side. Smile and look assured while you think furiously] Buy some time by asking them what they’d like to know about “Personality Assessments.” Then proceed, using lots of examples fromrepparttar 124473 Strengths assessment!

8. The transparency onrepparttar 124474 screen is bouncing up and down (or something like that).

SOLUTION: Askrepparttar 124475 audience why. Someone will know. (Projectors bounce on a cruise because ofrepparttar 124476 ship, a seafaring attendee told me.) CORROLARY: When someone asks a question you can't answer, ask if anyone inrepparttar 124477 audience can. Often they can. Thank them for their contribution; no apologies.

How to Pitch a Story to the News Media

Written by Jean Hanson

How to Pitch a Story torepparttar News Media We all have businesses that are newsworthy, right? Well try telling that to a busy newspaper editor! Here are some great tips for getting noticed:

1. Put it in writing. Generally speaking, a story pitch should be no more than one page. If they find it interesting, they’ll call you and ask for more detail.

2. Make it interesting. Say right atrepparttar 124455 beginning what isrepparttar 124456 most interesting or unique thing about your business or event.

3. Who does your business or event appeal to? Who is your target market? Is this appropriate forrepparttar 124457 particular publication you’re submitting to?

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