Psychic Dependency

Written by Anna Ellington

Psychic dependency is just as detrimental as any other form of addiction or co-dependence! There are countless stories of those who have spent thousands of dollars on psychics, torepparttar point of financial ruin! All because they had a need andrepparttar 128780 psychics hadrepparttar 128781 greed! When you are down, vulnerable and 'out of control' of your own life and you are so wanting to hear a particular answer, it can be so easy to become dependant onrepparttar 128782 psychic that gives it to you, even if it isrepparttar 128783 wrong answer. Even if it goes against your own intuition and logic.

Our psychics have had many people say well psychic so-and-so told me it was going to happen, why are you sayingrepparttar 128784 opposite? These same people that get conflicting answers from other readers also tend to 'psychic surf'. They don't like or want to hear what is said and off they go torepparttar 128785 next one. They will go from one to another and to another looking for answers, wanting to hear over and over a certain outcome, in fact sometimes demanding it! The bottom line is there is no guarantees! You heard it right here. I don't care what psychic you consult, how good they are, how long they have been doing it. There is no psychic reader that can claim 100% accuracy!

We all are sometimes very lost and needy. Most of us don't seek out a psychic reading unless they are uncertain and confused about their feelings and direction or that of a significant other in their lives. In this state of being though, you are also very vulnerable to becoming dependent on psychic readings to ease this discomfort or pain. Combine that with crossing paths with psychics that can pick up on this and use it to their advantage and as Emeril says "Bam". This can be an explosive and harmful combination ifrepparttar 128786 psychic is not trained and experienced enough to separate themselves from their seekers. It can also be harmful torepparttar 128787 seeker ifrepparttar 128788 psychic they choose is less than ethical. You are on your way to, more often than not,repparttar 128789 poor house!

Truth is always what you need to seek and getting anything less is not fair to your mind or spirit and very harmful inrepparttar 128790 end. You may not getrepparttar 128791 answers you want to hear from our psychics but we hope you will understand that it is only your best interests at heart. Byrepparttar 128792 same token, there can be times when you will getrepparttar 128793 answers you want to hear, and we may be wrong too! I know it may seem strange to have us telling you about our shortcomings rather than our miraculous results. Accurate Psychic Advice is just so saddened by allrepparttar 128794 claims psychics make in regards to their abilities that make people believe in them too much! This is a huge reason why people can become dependent. They want to believe so desperately that all those huge hyped up claims are true!

We have had to give people disheartening news so many times, in spite of knowing they want to hear something different. Unfortunately, at times, People are told that an outcome has changed for whatever reason. Free will and choice still always come into play with every single reading. Most ofrepparttar 128795 time we can see why that has happened and what changedrepparttar 128796 overall outcome and explain it, but sometimes not. This can be very disappointing torepparttar 128797 seeker of course, but also to us as we feel as if we have 'failed' them in some way. This is where experience and training come in. How do you tell someone that has been seeking your advice for a number of days, weeks or even months that it has all changed? This is very difficult, but shouldrepparttar 128798 client be told? That line unfortunately is crossed by many psychics. They have predictedrepparttar 128799 same outcome for so long and been accurate with so many others that they themselves cannot believe that it has changed. For some psychics this can be devastating to their egos as well as to their 'track record' and will choose to tellrepparttar 128800 client what they want to hear, rather thanrepparttar 128801 truth. This is again, where ethics and experience come in.

Acknowledging Emotions and Feelings

Written by John Sherman

We’ll begin with a question:

What is a moral?

I'd say it's something you have an intense feeling or emotion about, generally so intense you would never cross its boundary.


Have you ever crossed a moral boundary? It doesn’t feel good does it. But why? Morals are not a physical thing – i.e. They can't be touched, purchased or photographed. They are an emotion manifested in a feeling; they manifest inrepparttar essence of your soul, which, in turn, isrepparttar 128779 very shape of your identity.

When you cross a moral boundary you go against a very strong emotion your soul has, and in doing this you are defying your own nature and it leaves you feeling terrible.

So, why did you cross that boundary? It's simple -- because you didn’t acknowledgerepparttar 128780 feelings which were of your own nature. Due to a lack of understanding of your own nature perhaps from a pressure imposed on you from your immediate surrounds.

How do I start to feel? It is simple. Start with a thought, not just any thought but an important thought. Try quietly, just for a few seconds observing your immediate feelings from a happening in your life; it can be simple or a life changing thing.

Acknowledge it by resolving that this is how you feel about this, but don’t stop there and close yourself off to it. Try to understand it, as it is a part of you and there for a reason -- your soul may be trying to tell you something

Acknowledging your true feelings is more than just saying “Yes, I feel this way right now”. It's about feelingrepparttar 128781 feeling and applying thought to it, and coming to a decision as to whether to act on it or not. Acknowledge your feelings in this way and it will lead to a relaxed composure not only of your body, but of your thoughts and mind too.

Why bother with any of this? Well, for one, acknowledging your feelings brings you into contact withrepparttar 128782 immortal part of your own nature -- your soul. This is important as it is your soul that guides you and shapesrepparttar 128783 world directly around you.

Because of this, victims will always be victims; unsatisfied individuals will never be content and those who poison their own good days with imaginings and nit picking will never be happy.

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