Psalm 1:1-3 PrayerWritten by Praying Woman
Dear Heavenly Father, Remind us that we will be blessed if we don't walk in counsel of wicked, or stand in way of sinners, or sit in seat of mockers. Help us to, instead, delight in law of Lord, and meditate on it day and night. Then we will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither.
| | THEY SHALL STUDY WAR NO MOREWritten by Irvin L. Rozier
THEY SHALL STUDY WAR NO MOREGod has said in His Holy Book You can find it in Isaiah, just look There is coming a great day of peace When wars and rumors of wars will cease Nation shall not lift up sword against nation Soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen will be on vacation There will be no more students studying war No more sounds of bombs' deadly roar The wolf and lamb shall feed side by side This is promise of Jesus, for you He died How will it feel to be content and free When from whole earth conflicts flee Malachi Chapter four gives another great promise One like Elijah will come, he'll be no doubting Thomas He shall turn hearts of children to their Dads And hearts of fathers to their lasses and lads