Proven Ways To Dramatically Increase Your Conversion Rate

Written by Diane Hughes

There is an old saying that I agree with 100%. "Nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising."

The same applies to Web sites. Nothing will suck up money faster than a poorly structured Web site that can’t convert sales.

You might haverepparttar best product inrepparttar 120416 world. However, if your site isn’t specifically designed to convert visitors to sales, you’ll be wasting a lot of money to bring traffic to a dead site. All your marketing efforts and advertising dollars will go right downrepparttar 120417 drain.

Before you begin - or continue marketing your site, be sure you are ready to whiz customers through your ordering process with ease. Do a double check to ensure that your site can instill trust in your visitors.

So what do you need to do in order to dramatically increase conversions? There are a few simple, free things you can do right now that will pay off big time!

1) Reducerepparttar 120418 number of clicks to purchase. Make it easy for your visitors to findrepparttar 120419 information they need. Implementrepparttar 120420 three-click rule. It should take no more than three clicks for your visitors to get fromrepparttar 120421 index page torepparttar 120422 checkout page. I can promise you that they will not hunt for a way to spend their money. They will simply leave.

2) Make your privacy policy obvious. With allrepparttar 120423 spam and scams these days, customers are getting more and more weary of giving out personal information. They want to know exactly what you intend to do with it. So tell them! Make sure your privacy policy is up-front and easy to read.

Avoiding the Delete Button - How To Make Your Email Campaign Pay Off

Written by Diane Hughes

Have you noticed? It’s becoming harder and harder to get a good response out of email campaigns. Why? The more popular an advertising method becomes,repparttar more overused it gets. When that happens, customers develop an "immunity". They are so overwhelmed byrepparttar 120415 dozens, or even hundreds, of emails that pop into their inboxes that they simply hitrepparttar 120416 delete button without even giving it a second thought.

So how do we, as Internet marketers, battle their complacency? There are several ways that have been proven to increase customer response.

I’ll assume that you already have a customer-focused, sales-oriented Web site; and that your offer is a solid one that shows value.

1. Use Short, Concise Subject Lines - While personalization has been shown to increase response rate, there are several things that have been proven to decrease it. Long subject lines are one. Try to keep yours at 40 characters or under. Why? Many email programs cut off longer subject lines. Also, avoid "hyp-ish" subjects. The more personal you are,repparttar 120417 better. Exclamation points,repparttar 120418 word "free" and other trigger words such as "boost" and "skyrocket" are a sure ticket torepparttar 120419 delete file.

2. K.I.S.S. - Remember this acronym? Keep It Simple Stupid. It applies to emails, too. Don’t piddle around. Get your benefits in front ofrepparttar 120420 reader immediately. Likewise, it is important to note that shorter emails have proven to out perform longer ones. It is doubtful that you’ll actually sell anyone from your email ad - rather, aim to piquerepparttar 120421 reader’s interest, and get him/her to click to your site.

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