Proudly Display Your Veterans Flag

Written by Bill Shayler

Proudly Display Your Veterans Flag

I sadly rememberrepparttar day we buried my father. An American flag coveredrepparttar 110862 coffin

before being transported torepparttar 110863 cemetery. There it remained duringrepparttar 110864 service.

Atrepparttar 110865 end ofrepparttar 110866 service my brother-in-law and I tried our best to remember our own

military training while we folded dad's burial flag into a neat triangle and took it home.

Each day similar scenes are repeated across America. Our country has many veterans who

have sacrificed and suffered for their country. The number is now growing rapidly.

The burial flag represents a period of great sacrifice duringrepparttar 110867 life of one American.

Inrepparttar 110868 case of my father who was stationed onrepparttar 110869 USS Curtiss in Pearl Harbor on

December 7, 1942 he was also present aboardrepparttar 110870 USS Piedmont in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945

the dayrepparttar 110871 treaty endingrepparttar 110872 war with Japan was signed. Most of what happened between

these events was never talked about. He heldrepparttar 110873 horror and devastation of this period

of his life to himself.

I never really understood how he felt until my own service time duringrepparttar 110874 Viet Nam war.

It seems I do not like to talk about that time period either.

Perhapsrepparttar 110875 feeling of sacrifice has again surfaced with my son, a Sergeant in the

United States Marine Corps now serving in Baghdad while his wife and daughters wait

Setting Your Financial Priorities

Written by Terry J. Rigg

Whether you know it or not, you are always setting your financial priorities. Some may decide that a new stereo system is more important than this month's electric bill. This may be a little offrepparttar wall but it is still setting your priorities.

Anyone wanting to better manage their money would be wise to determine what their financial priorities are and stick to them. Of course, if you see that these priorities will not put food onrepparttar 110861 table and pay your bills then you will have to rethink your priorities.

Setting your priorities is simple. You just decide what isrepparttar 110862 most important aspect of your finances and put that item on top. However, if you decide on that stereo over your electric bill, you may find yourself inrepparttar 110863 dark with no need for a stereo.

There are basic priorities that pertains to everyone. These are simply a matter of survival. Here is a list ofrepparttar 110864 basics:

Water Food Shelter

That was a tough one.

What does it take to ensure that our basic needs are met? The main ingredient is a source of income to payrepparttar 110865 rent or house payment, payrepparttar 110866 utilities, and buyrepparttar 110867 groceries. This is where you start setting your priorities.

Before you can spend another penny, you have to take care of what you need to survive. Don't put offrepparttar 110868 rent or house payment, utilities and don't skimp on your groceries and necessary health items. If you do you will start experiencing money problems much sooner than you would if you had delayed paying other bills instead.

What's next? If your source of income happens to come from a job, then I would say your transportation. You have to get back and forth to work so you can afford all ofrepparttar 110869 other stuff. This would include your vehicle payment, gas, insurance and maintenance. If your source of income is not a job then go to repparttar 110870 next step.

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