The Protocols may not be genuine but that does not mean they do not correctly state plan or policy of Priory and other elite planning cadre. The whole issue of Cold War and JFK or Allende assassinations that are now well known, are just tip of iceberg. Jim Marrs brings us some great insights in this quote that you MUST pay close attention to if you think you want to bring children into this world. Former CIA Director Woolsey has admitted America intends to continue plan of World Domination.
"Added to these incomprehensible orders restricting military options, was amazing fact that Russian commanders were running conflict on both sides. Under agreement at Yalta and due to their supplying North Korea with military hardware and technology, Soviet military officers were largely in control of war. Author Epperson; cited a Pentagon press release which identified two Soviet officers as being in charge of movements across Thirty-eight Parallel. One, a General Vasilev, actually was overheard giving order to attack on June 25, 1951.
General Vasilev's chain of command reached from Korea to Moscow to UN Undersecretary General for Political and Security Council Affairs. At this same time, General Macarthur’s chain of command went through President Truman to UN Undersecretary General for Political and Security Council Affairs, an office held at that time by Russian Constantine Zinchenko. This meant that Soviet officers were overseeing North Korean war strategy while reporting back to a fellow Soviet officer in same UN office that coordinated allied war effort.
'In effect, Communists were directing both sides of war.' wrote author Griffin. What past conspiracy authors failed to consider was evidence that Communist Russia was financed and controlled from beginning by inner circle of America's modern secret societies.
The war finally settled into a stalemate which ended with an armistice signed on July 27, 1953, six months after General Dwight Eisenhower had become president of U.S.
{It is a MUST that all people read his exit speech and warnings about armaments manufacturing complex. It is shown in part on scroll leading in Oliver Stone's movie! Then you should read Reagan's exit speech to see what he refers to as 'Iron Triangle' and comparison he makes with Soviet Politburo etc.}
Macarthur, noting that for first time in its military history, United States had failed to achieve victory, {Not true if you look to Osceola and Seminoles. My father credited Osceola as one of greatest military minds world ever saw. My father was a member of 'black market' under Vanier and U.S. 'black market' was run [in field] by Eisenhower. The real 'black market' is government/armaments manufacturer/bureaucracy that Reagan hones our focus upon. Baruch is a key element or paladin in this effort. We will see Thuleans of Prince Bernhard who created Bilderbergs shortly.} was later to state, 'Never before has this nation been engaged in mortal combat with a hostile power without military objective, without policy other than restrictions governing operations, or indeed even formally recognizing a state of war.' This set a precedent in United States which continues to haunt us to this day.
But was there again a hidden purpose to this seemingly pointless conflict, one that reached into upper circles of secret societies? A 1952 'Foreign Affairs' article explained, 'The meaning of our experience in Korea as I see it, is that we have made historic progress toward establishment of a viable system of collective security.' So Korea was another step forward in realizing CFR {Council on Foreign Relations which is associated with Georgetown University and included participation of foreign ministers from all free world nations.} goals of one-world government backed by a unified military command as with North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). {And in line with Keynesian type economics of waste and war.} CFR member Dean Acheson later admitted, 'The only reason I told President to fight in Korea was to validate NATO.'
Both NATO and United Nations resulted from most momentous event of twentieth century - World War II - and once again diligent researcher finds unmistakable imprint of secret societies. {Nazism was not just in Germany when viewed as tyranny exerted by small groups intent on order and control.}
As hard to believe as it may be for Americans brought up on wartime propaganda films and publications devoted to war technology and battles, World War II was largely result of infighting between secret occult societies composed of wealthy businessmen that eventually led to international tensions that provoked open warfare.
As in other conflicts, manipulation and influence of these societies is found in origins and finances of war, not on battlefields {Where cannon and earlier sword fodder play a small role in debate.}. Abundant evidence now exists indicating that World War II was brought about by agents and members of secret societies connected to Illuminati and Freemasonry in both Germany and Britain. It was in this "good war", that older mystic societies seeking freedom from both church and state merged with modern secret societies concerned primarily with wealth, power and control.
'Sir Winston Churchill himself was insistent that occultism of Nazi Party should not under any circumstances be revealed to general public.' wrote author Trevor Ravenscroft, who claimed to have worked closely with Dr. Walter Johannes Stein, a confidential adviser to Churchill. {I've seen a photo taken at Blenheim Palace of investiture of Churchill into a later day revival or plagiarization of Druids. I believe it was in The Druids by Peter Berresford Ellis. Churchill is also of Iroquois blood and we've developed 90 degree change in hairstyle of Iroquois to high Druid in other places as we try to show how culturally connected world truly was and is.} 'The failure of Nuremberg Trials to identify nature of evil at work behind outer facade of National Socialism convinced him that another three decades must pass before a large enough readership would be present to comprehend initiation rites and black magic practices of inner core of Nazi leadership.'
This remarkable Statement was corroborated by Airey Neave, one of postwar Nuremberg prosecutors, who said occult aspect of Nazi activities was ruled inadmissable because tribunal feared both psychological and spiritual implications in Western nations. {Can you say mind-control and deceit by their own efforts starting at Tavistock and including Crowley and Hubbard as we've shown?} They also thought that such beliefs, so contrary to public rationalism, might be used to mount an insanity defense for Nazi leaders.
{And if today you find soldiers with implants or thought cloning psy-ops do things they wouldn't normally do, should they be held responsible? The real possibility of use of these more effective technologies upon unsuspecting citizens or Scientologists has dramatically impacted life of my younger brother and my niece.}