Protect yourself from cell phone radiation

Written by Tim Gorman

With cell phones quickly becoming an important part of our everyday lives, it’s frightening to think thatrepparttar radiation from cellular phones may cause health problems. Even though claims aboutrepparttar 146398 dangers of cell phones are unsubstantiated, that hasn’t stopped various marketers from selling cellular accessories alleging to protect consumers from harmful radiation.

Since cellular phones are a new technology, there are no long term studies to prove or disprove claims about their dangers. Various studies have attempted to link radiation from cell phones to memory problems, fatigue, headaches, and insomnia. Some researchers have also suggested that children who use cellular phones may be at an increased risk for problems since their bodies are not yet fully developed.

There have been many types of cellular accessories that have claimed to protect consumers from dangerous cell phone radiation. The manufacturers of these products have relied on fear and paranoia to market devices with no scientific validity. WaveShield, WaveShield 1000, WaveShield 2000, and other products designed to protect users from cell phone radiation have been proven ineffective. In fact,repparttar 146399 Waveshield products wererepparttar 146400 subject of a 2003 FTC complaint. The main problem with these cellular accessories is that they coverrepparttar 146401 earpiece ofrepparttar 146402 phone, whenrepparttar 146403 electromagnetic energy that may cause problems comes fromrepparttar 146404 antenna and other internal components.

Customize your cell phone with ringtones and wallpaper

Written by Tim Gorman

As an important part of your daily life, your cell phone should reflect your personality. At one time,repparttar only way to personalize your phone was to get one in your favorite color. Today, great cellular accessories such as ringtones and wallpapers make it easy to create a phone that’s as unique as you are.

A ringtone isrepparttar 146397 sound your phone makes when there’s an incoming call. Custom ringtones are fun cellular accessories to personalize your phone and help identify your phone in a room full of cell phone users. Ringtones are available for purchase or as free downloads on a variety of websites. To download these cellular accessories, your phone must have internet access. Many cell phone providers have websites containing custom ringtones, but you can also type “cell phone ringtones” into any search engine to find sources for these cellular accessories. If your cellular phone supports SP-MIDI files, there are online tutorials that can teach you how to create your own ringtones. However, not all cell phones are capable of playing custom ringtones and some models will only play either polyphonic or monophonic ringtones. If you’re planning to use ringtones, make sure your phone is compatible with these cellular accessories.

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