Protect Your Email Address

Written by Debbie Hamstead

Spam only occurs whenrepparttar spammer is able to get your email address. They have a variety of methods for doing this, some legal and some not.

Either way,repparttar 109486 result isrepparttar 109487 same. You have become a spam victim. The single most important action that you can take to prevent spam from occurring is to keep your email address off of those lists.

There are a number of ways that this can be accomplished, starting with never giving out your address to anyone whom you do not know or are not conducting business with.

You wouldn't broadcast your phone number overrepparttar 109488 internet, so why is your email any different? Be careful when putting your email address into directories or other form of printed lists.

Those directories could end up onrepparttar 109489 internet giving millions of people access to your email.

If, for example, you are a member of your alumni association and they decide to build a webpage with that information, your address has been exposed however unintentionally.

Make sure ofrepparttar 109490 privacy practices that are in place with any organization that you give your email address to.

Do not give your email address out willingly overrepparttar 109491 internet. Your email address is often required when purchasing goods.

If you are willing to give them payment information, then you should feel comfortable giving them your email.

However,repparttar 109492 fact that they will processrepparttar 109493 sale in accordance with law does not mean that they won't sell lists to spammers.

The sale of goods overrepparttar 109494 internet is regulated and enforced much more stringently than address list distribution. Often it is just too difficult to prove.

The site may ask you if they can share your information with their "partners" or "affiliates". These are simply companies to whom they sell information forrepparttar 109495 purpose of advertisement - spammers.

This box is almost always automatically checked for yes, so make sure you uncheck it before submitting your order.

Perhaps you would like to join a mailing list, newsgroup, or register with a certain website. Before doing so, readrepparttar 109496 privacy policy ofrepparttar 109497 website involved and make sure that they will not sell or share your information with anyone else.

What Kind of E-mail are You?

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Trouble isrepparttar occasional threatening e-mail.

Heart aches are e-mails that attack. They throw out accusations and condemnation (often using fowl language), leaving your spirit in disarray.

Cruel e-mails are hoaxes that call upon fear or pull at your heart strings.

Rude e-mails suppose you to appreciate suggestive pictures or language.

Difficult e-mails are those that question your every word, thought, or motive.

Shocking e-mails are ones wherein otherwise intelligent people send out chain letters and make promises they can not keep; like so many angels at your side, offers to grant wishes (as if they were a genie), and use superstitious bad luck scare tactics.

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