Protect Your Computer!

Written by Joe McHenry

Surfing onrepparttar Internet can be a major problem if you don't employ a reasonable amount of protective software.

Hackers, spyware and viruses all combine to make it essential that you have a firewall, a spyware detector and an anti-virus program - all up to date and operating on your system.

1. Safety First - Get Yourself a Firewall Now!

If you don't have a firewall installed and operating on your computer then you are risking an attack by a hacker!

Without a firewall your computer is like an open door. Private and confidential information may become available to hackers with basic computer skills.

Not only could information be stolen but a hacker could leave your computer in a state where they could return and take control of it.

A firewall monitors all incoming traffic and only allows in what you have authorised.

You can even make your computer "invisible" when onrepparttar 118873 Internet so hackers are not even aware of your presence!

It's one ofrepparttar 118874 few things all "experts" agree with so go to and get your FREE firewall now...

2. Keep Those Spyware Cookies Off Your Computer!

Most ofrepparttar 118875 cookies you collect while usingrepparttar 118876 Internet are harmless and just kept on your hard drive in case you return torepparttar 118877 same website again.

A new type of cookie is now accessing your computer and sending nformation about your activities onrepparttar 118878 Internet back to it's originator. These cookies are known collectively as "Spyware".

Predicting The Future Online

Written by Jim Edwards

The psychic Hotline won't help you in this article!

However, I want to share my predictions for 2003 andrepparttar trends I see affecting how you will userepparttar 118872 Internet for both business and pleasure.

** Anti-Spam!

Anybody with an email account for more than three days has gotten unsolicited email (referred to as Spam) from people they don't know. These people offer to sell them everything from acne treatment to inkjet cartridges.

As federal and state lawmakers weigh intorepparttar 118873 battle against Spam, you can expect two significant developments this year:

First, anti-Spam software sales will skyrocket among home and business users. Unfortunately, unless somebody invents a solution that actually works well,repparttar 118874 end results won't fitrepparttar 118875 promises made to sellrepparttar 118876 products.

On a side note: It will prove very interesting to see how many ofrepparttar 118877 anti-Spam product vendors will actually use Spam to sell their wares!

Second, anti-Spam sentiment will massively affect legitimate online business owners trying to communicate with their customers via e-mail.

New services will spring up to help evenrepparttar 118878 smallest businesses secure their communications with customers and avoidrepparttar 118879 "Spam filters."

** Lights, Camera, Action!

The use of multimedia, including video, pictures, and sound, along with other interactive devices, will really take off this year.

However,repparttar 118880 proliferation of multimedia will not occur because of higher Internet access speeds through DSL or cable.

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