Prostate cancer sun and vitamin D

Written by Hector Milla

Cancer Centres in USA comparedrepparttar lifetime sun exposure in men with advanced prostate cancer and men without disease and they suggest that men who had spent more time inrepparttar 144744 sun they lives were with low risk of prostate cancer.

New studies in prostate cancer indicate thatrepparttar 144745 men who spent more time inrepparttar 144746 sun in their live usually can reduce prostate cancer in about 50%

Aboutrepparttar 144747 above point shown thatrepparttar 144748 prostate uses Vitamin D to promoterepparttar 144749 normal growth of prostate cells and in consequence to slowrepparttar 144750 spread of prostate cancer cells to others parts ofrepparttar 144751 body.

Sun exposure prevent prostate cancer andrepparttar 144752 new research suggest vitamin D in supplement may be a safer option today for men.

Birth control pills 101- what you absolutely need to know

Written by Mansi gupta

Introduction The alarming increase inrepparttar population because ofrepparttar 144743 stationary birth rates andrepparttar 144744 ever lowering death rates ofrepparttar 144745 countries brought about byrepparttar 144746 economical an social development has imposed a need to lowerrepparttar 144747 birth rates. There are also certain social stigmas which are to be overcome to reducerepparttar 144748 birth rates for e.g. till recently in certain parts ofrepparttar 144749 worldrepparttar 144750 birth control pills were not socially accepted. But since their introduction they have placed themselves into a commanding position into one’s family life.

History of birth control pills The term birth control pill is usually referred torepparttar 144751 group of drugs used by females to avoid pregnancy. In 1955 a couple of scientists, introducedrepparttar 144752 concept of birth control pills when they used progestins for birth control. Before that people used to try things like condoms, diaphragms, sponges and even avoiding sexual intercourse atrepparttar 144753 time ofrepparttar 144754 fertile period. The latter had its disadvantages with its efficiency being very low as compared withrepparttar 144755 former ones. Later it was also found that adding estrogens made them more efficient.

Types of birth control pills Because ofrepparttar 144756 great success andrepparttar 144757 increased demand ofrepparttar 144758 birth control pills there has been extensive research in this field and hence there are different types ofrepparttar 144759 pills available to cater different population. Broadly there are 4 types of birth control pills and besides these are certain injections used for long-term birth control. The 4 types are: 1) Combined pills This type consists of both estrogen and progestin. This isrepparttar 144760 most common type of pills used today. This is a set of 28 pills to be taken daily. 2) Phased regimen pills Now been used rarely and only for those greater than 35 years of age. 3) Minipill Females who cannot take estrogen for some reason orrepparttar 144761 other can take this type of pill wherein there is no estrogen. 4) Postcoital or emergency pills This is used to avoid pregnancy in those cases in whichrepparttar 144762 females can become pregnant because of unprotected sexual intercourse. This is to be taken within 3 days ofrepparttar 144763 sexual intercourse.

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