Prospecting From Your Trash Can

Written by Al Uszynski

Before you throw out those old leads, consider that today's trash could be tomorrow's sale.

Don Freda of Articulate Global in New York City flew to Ann Arbor, MI to present his software solution torepparttar University of Michigan. Duringrepparttar 127163 meeting he discovered that although his solution could helprepparttar 127164 university, it lacked some major features thatrepparttar 127165 customer wanted. Because his company didn’t offerrepparttar 127166 needed components, Don flew back to New York withoutrepparttar 127167 sale.

Just like all good technology-driven companies, Articulate Global was continuously growing and enhancing its product offering to reflectrepparttar 127168 advancing needs ofrepparttar 127169 marketplace. Months later when Don learned that his company offered new features –repparttar 127170 very same features that U of M was looking for – he pulledrepparttar 127171 old file from his sales graveyard and immediately called his contact withrepparttar 127172 good news. Don’s next trip to Michigan was successful and he brought homerepparttar 127173 order.

All sales professionals have a long list of prospects that did not turn into sales. While it doesn’t make sense to contact all of your old leads, you may want to refrain from throwing out some of them and put them in your tickler file instead. By touching base with them periodically you may turn trash into treasure. Here arerepparttar 127174 types of old leads that are most valuable.

Availability Like in Don's situation, you may have encountered prospects who need a product or service that you don’t offer now, but may offer inrepparttar 127175 future. Keep these prospects on file and follow up with them ifrepparttar 127176 features they needed become available.

Timing If what you sell requires time-based contracts, be sure to find out when your prospect's contract expires with your competitor. Contactrepparttar 127177 prospect before your competition inks a renewal. Explain to your prospect that you will help them assess their options before they blindly assume that their current provider is stillrepparttar 127178 best value.

Service Have you ever met prospects who indicate that they don’t get great service from their current provider but stay with them anyway? Keep these contacts in your periodic follow-up folder. Contact them every four to six months. When they take your phone call, you might find that their frustration withrepparttar 127179 current provider has moved them closer to a breaking point. If they’re ready to change providers, your company will be top-of-mind.

Mind Set That Helps You Get New Clients

Written by Ronya Banks

If you are a sales person, a professional who needs to fill your practice, or a new business owner looking to find clientele to whom you can sell your new products, your success will depend on your ability to promote yourself and/or what you have to offer. Oftentimes, people will start in to a new business venture and quit because ofrepparttar stress and discouragement experienced duringrepparttar 127162 process of looking for paying clients.

There is no one magical trick or secret process you can follow to become a person who gets new clients consistently. Instead,repparttar 127163 ability to get new clients isrepparttar 127164 result of you thinking, feeling, and behaving a particular way. In other words, once you adopt a certain MINDSET, you begin attracting new clients.

The following will help you develop and sustainrepparttar 127165 mindset that will have you consistently filling your practice or business with new clients.

1. See people as people.

Many times, what will hold you back from promoting yourself or your product will be a belief or an image you hold of other people as superior, special, or different in some way. The truth is that they are people - just like you. They haverepparttar 127166 same human bodily functions, emotions, and needs as you. Keeping this in mind will help you increase your confidence when speaking to others.

2.Realize that rejection is not something personal against you.

If someone rejects whatever you are offering, it is not YOU that he or she is rejecting. Instead, they are rejectingrepparttar 127167 service or product that you are offering. Whatever reason they believe they don’t want it or need it, doesn’t matter. Just realize that it is not a personal rejection of You. Knowing this will help you approach others openly, honestly, and confidently.

3.Accept that not everyone is going to be interested.

It is okay. Not everyone is going to want your products or services. But some of them will. Focus onrepparttar 127168 wills and let go ofrepparttar 127169 will-nots.

4.Adoptrepparttar 127170 knowing that getting new clients is about RELATIONSHIP, and not about selling.

If your focus is on selling a product or service to people, then you have missedrepparttar 127171 proverbial Boat! Successful selling occurs as a result of being in relationship withrepparttar 127172 purchaser. Form an immediate relationship withrepparttar 127173 person with whom you are selling, by being a sincere, kind, and compassionate person who believes inrepparttar 127174 product or services you are providing, and you will experience more and more success. 5.Improve your speaking ability.

The more confident you are about your speaking ability,repparttar 127175 easier it will be for you to connect with people in a powerful, honest, and meaningful way. It will also be easier for you to speak to them about what you are offering. Join a local speaking group, like Toastmasters, where you can get regular speaking practice. This will help you in more ways than you can imagine!

6.Know your magical side and let it shine.

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