Proper Nutrition Can Make Your Kid a Top Student

Written by Gobala Krishnan

Copyright 2005 Gobala Krishnan

It is important that your child gets his or her nutrition early o­n, preferably form Grade 1. This isrepparttar most important time for brain development, as they start to learn new things and create new ideas allrepparttar 112861 time. Brain development revolves around gettingrepparttar 112862 right amount of:

1) Glucose – Simply put, it isrepparttar 112863 blood sugar level. Glucose provides energy, and is vital in determining attention span. Lack of glucose can cause your kid to feel sleepy in class. The most important meal is breakfast, and glucose should be a part of every child’s breakfast, to ensure thatrepparttar 112864 blood sugar level is maintained through outrepparttar 112865 day’s activities. Kids who usually skip breakfast tend to have a shorter attention span and difficulty remembering their lessons.

2) Vitamin B – Vitamin B helps to releaserepparttar 112866 energy in glucose. Lack of Vitamin B can cause aggressiveness and depression. There are 12 types of essential Vitamin B, so it may be difficult to get all in a meal. Cereals are a good provider of Vitamin B.

3) Iron – Helps to transport oxygen inrepparttar 112867 blood system to each individual cell, including brain cells. Lack of iron results in anemia, which is common in children who don’t get a balanced diet. Besides having less attention span, iron-anemic children are less motivated to participate in challenging tasks that stretch their imagination and ability. Having a good selection of red meat, tuna, chicken, or leafy vegetables like legumes and broccoli, can give your kid allrepparttar 112868 iron he or she needs.

4) Folic Acid – Important inrepparttar 112869 formation of red and white blood cells. Lack of folic acid results in your kid feeling tired, irritable and forgetful. Food sources like fresh vegetables and fruits are good sources of folic acid.

5) Zinc – Important to maintain communication between nerve cells and brain cells. Deficiencies in zinc can cause your kid to have difficulty solving academic problems, somethingrepparttar 112870 medical world calls cognitive impairment. Zinc in its natural form can be found in cereals and peanuts.

6) Vitamin A – An important nutrient forrepparttar 112871 nervous system of a fetus. Vitamin A is most commonly found in beta carotene, from dark leafy vegetables and orange or yellow fruits.

How to Ensure Your Kid Getsrepparttar 112872 Right Nutrition

A healthy, balanced diet, consisting ofrepparttar 112873 right amount of cereals, meat, fish, vegetables, fiber-rich fruits, and lots of clean, unprocessed water will provide your child withrepparttar 112874 magic formula to succeed in school, both academically and in sports. Does that mean thatrepparttar 112875 parents of ‘A’ students go out shopping each day, cook their own food, and sit down with their kids o­nrepparttar 112876 breakfast table to ensure that they eat what they’re supposed to?

Le Poem De La Sweat

Written by Ed Williams

I made a bad mistake a couple of weeks ago and got into a discussion about poetry with my good friend, Henry County Herald columnist Amy Eason. Amy likes poems, and was telling me all kinds of stuff about them in an effort to convince me that I should like them as well. She was fighting an uphill battle because I typically don’t like poetry at all, in fact,repparttar only thing I can imagine that’s worse than poems would be having Perry Como sing a few of them to me. Nonetheless, she made me promise that I would try to write one, and, that if I did, I’d come to understand just how rewarding composing them can be. Based on her powers of persuasion, andrepparttar 112860 added incentive of a twenty dollar side bet, I’m going to unveil my first, and I guarantee you, my absolutely last poetic offering. This tender epistle goes as follows:

Le Poem De La Sweat

I sit here at my keyboard fair, Sweat beads streaking through my hair, I just got home from working out atrepparttar 112861 gym, In a very vain effort to get fit and trim.

I wonder why it has to be this way, Joints a-hurtin’ and old legs that sway, I’m breathing so hard, it’s like a monsoon, I’m sure I could inflate a hot air balloon.

As I worked out, I looked all around, Amazed atrepparttar 112862 different type people I found, I cussedrepparttar 112863 skinny people who don’t break a sweat, The more they eat,repparttar 112864 thinner they get. It doesn’t seem right, yet what can I do, They’re still real skinny, but my stomach’s all goo.

And there’s a big guy, who’s puffing like me, His sweatpants are too small, his gut I can see, When he bends over to pick up some weights, I think of full moons,repparttar 112865 association I hate.

To my right is a lady, she works hard and tries, No weight in her chest, but lots in her thighs, She’s standing there eyeingrepparttar 112866 sit-up bench, If she lays down on it, we may need a wench.

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