Promotion Techniques

Written by Lori Redfield

So you’ve done it! You’ve poured your heart and soul intorepparttar perfect design,repparttar 124874 perfect concept, THE perfect website. Don’t stop there.

I have seen countless websites – perfectly good websites sitting out there onrepparttar 124875 web, looking pretty – but not being seen. Here are some strategies to implement – over and over again if you want your website to be a success.

First of all, please! Provide content. Give your visitors a reason to be there and a reason to come back. It truly helps if your site’s focus is something you are passionate about. It is very difficult to succeed with a website you threw together solely because you thought it might ‘make you some money’. You’ve got to care enough about this baby to work on it constantly – even if it ISN’T making you money. So choose a topic that won’t bore you and in which you consider yourself a teacher. You’ve got to offer your visitor something. They aren’t coming to view your paid ads.

Oncerepparttar 124876 site is created, make sure that you have good Meta tags on every page. You’ve got to have them. The search engine spiders feed off them. They are a breeze to make. You can find free tools all overrepparttar 124877 place to help you make them. I userepparttar 124878 Meta tag creator at, mainly because I like to supportrepparttar 124879 site. They offer quality resources for free to their users. Even if you are getting a resource for free off ofrepparttar 124880 web, you should realize thatrepparttar 124881 webmaster benefits from you using it. You become one of their statistics – one of their visitors who findrepparttar 124882 site useful. The more useful a site is,repparttar 124883 more it is frequented,repparttar 124884 higher value is placed on advertising space. So support sites you love – go there often. If you don’t have any particular page set up as your home page on your browser, choose a site you respect and use it as your home page.

See, really I believe one ofrepparttar 124885 secrets of success is generosity. If you covet your resources you close yourself off. If you fear your ‘competition’ instead of embracing them and networking with them, you cut yourself off. So takerepparttar 124886 time to support other sites and network. Network at least once a day. Set your mind to it. If you see a site that you love, writerepparttar 124887 webmaster. Tell them what you love about it. There is nothing better then a note fromrepparttar 124888 ethers appreciating all that you have been working on for months. You never know what can come out of these notes. Make suggestions. Tellrepparttar 124889 webmaster (or webmistress) that you are interested in reciprocal linking, but that you would really much rather go a step further with them. That a reciprocal link really doesn’t do justice torepparttar 124890 amount of respect you have for what they are doing and offer to exchange articles with them, or newsletter ads – anything. Make some friends!

Ideally you should rent Wordtracker from and researchrepparttar 124891 keywords in your meta tags before you create them. Wordtracker is a miracle! It’s very cheap to rent for a day (under $10) and it lets you researchrepparttar 124892 words you feel are key to your business and see how many people actually search on those terms, and how many competing sites out there are using those terms. Now that’s valuable! A word about metatags: One tag that used to be considered crucial,repparttar 124893 keyword metatag, is now considered pretty much useless. Most ofrepparttar 124894 search engine spiders have stopped looking at this tag. Adding it won’t hurt your site. In fact there are a few search engines such as Tehoma that still read it. But it definitely doesn’t carry enough weight as it used to.

Becauserepparttar 124895 keyword meta tag is ‘dead’, what we need to do is integrate our keywords intorepparttar 124896 Title tag,repparttar 124897 Description tag and probably most importantly, intorepparttar 124898 text onrepparttar 124899 site. You can also add some keywords torepparttar 124900 alt tags on your sites images. But remember, your visitors will see whatever you have written there when they mouse over your images so keeprepparttar 124901 message brief and professional and don’t over-do it or your site will look bad.

Once you have your metatags created and inserted into every page on your site (being sure to use a different ‘title tag’ for every page. Go ahead and start submitting to search engines and directories. That’srepparttar 124902 first step. Please note that I said FIRST step. Too many people stop there.

Target Market the Key to Your Online Success

Written by Jeremy Gossman

Target Marketrepparttar Key to Your Online Success

by Jeremy Gossman

If you are an Internet marketer or want to be there are 3 issues to be concerned with. Target market, traffic generation, and traffic converstion.

Which is most important?

Well, I would have to say that selecting your target market is. I am not saying that traffic generation and traffic conversion are not important, though.

Its just that if you have a target market that does not have credit cards orrepparttar 124873 ability to spend money, then you are doomed no matter how much traffic you throw at a highly primed sales page.

A poor target market with no money will not produce you any profit no matter how hard you try. It doesn't even matter if you arerepparttar 124874 greatest copywriter inrepparttar 124875 world!

Your process for marketing online must always start withrepparttar 124876 target market. Then, work onrepparttar 124877 traffic and sales process to increase your profits. A bad site with minimal traffic will make money on a good target market.

Keys to determining a Good Target Market

1. Your target market should be big enough for your primary keyword to have several thousand searches or more a month on Check your key word at:

If there are only a few hundred searches for your primary keyword you should probably stop right there. Make sure you are using a key word that someone would type inrepparttar 124878 search engine. If they were looking for your particular product idea.

2. Doesrepparttar 124879 average person in your target market have a credit card and money to spend?

3. You should be able to find other marketers inrepparttar 124880 search engines selling similar products to what you are thinking about selling. Some competition tells you that marketers are making money on that target market with a particular product.

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