Promote your work: Get your book reviewed

Written by Edward Hasting-Evans

So you've written your first novel, short story, comic book or other work and it's good. You have now also got a publisher interested or you are going down one ofrepparttar many self-publishing roots (such as ebooks/e-books or as examples). So it's time to sit back and enjoyrepparttar 129172 fruits of your hard labour to date, right? Unfortunately, no.

Publishers of any kind are first and foremost in a business. This means they are driven byrepparttar 129173 desire to make profits and some will have shareholders to answer for. They also realise that most first-time authors are unlikely to sell many books, so withrepparttar 129174 cost of printing there will be little money for promotion. This essentially means that you have to do most (if not all) ofrepparttar 129175 work to ensure that people know your work exists. Because if people don't know it's there, they definitely can not buy it.

But as an authorrepparttar 129176 prospect of promotion can be daunting, and it will certainly be very hard work. I am sad to say that there is no easy guaranteed formula. However, there are ways and means of promoting your work that are not as expensive as others, and they can be very effective. For example, getting your book reviewed.

Many people will choose to read reviews of books before they purchase and this typically means visitingrepparttar 129177 internet and trying to find out what people are saying. If your book is not reviewed no one will read about it, and sales will suffer for it.

There are many sites out there that carry book reviews in one form or another, however some are more likely to increase sales than others, so it is these you should focus most of your effort on, at least initially. For starters you may have noticed that on portalmania there are links to and with every review (see an example here: Harry Potter andrepparttar 129178 Order ofrepparttar 129179 Phoenix). These links go directly to a page where a visitor can buyrepparttar 129180 book, so they've just read a review saying your work is good and have a quick easy option to buy, through a reputable company. Such a direct link will help to increase sales because you are not relying on them to remember and then findrepparttar 129181 book next time they are at their local book store (who may not even be carrying it!). So start searching at Google, Yahoo!, or one ofrepparttar 129182 other engines and see what's on offer.

Now you've got a list of sites that review books and you need to approach them. As far as I know all (or at least 99.9999999...%) of sites will be more than happy to be contacted by authors who wish to have their work reviewed. A fair few also have some form of mechanism for doing this, such as with portalmania's contribute and many others do as well.


Written by shadha kudrath ali

Imaginerepparttar Imagination

Imagine a three hundred page book was inrepparttar 129170 author’s mind before it was poured out ontorepparttar 129171 pages ofrepparttar 129172 book.

Imagine all those words are words we all know and use but one person takes those words and arranges them in a certain way inrepparttar 129173 mind;repparttar 129174 person fuses these words to form a story. Amazing isn’t it?

Writers have a different way of seeingrepparttar 129175 world. They can see poetry in someone’s hair and use it as metaphor for life or as an image to communicate a thought about something else that has nothing to do with hair.

But how isrepparttar 129176 writer able to use words in a fascinating new way?

It is natural inrepparttar 129177 way they are,repparttar 129178 way they think.

The same way language is an innate mechanism to usrepparttar 129179 same way writers haverepparttar 129180 ability to use language in a different sort of way to communicate feelings we all feel.

Although they use language in a different way what they write is about what we all feel; that is why we can relate. The reason why what is written sounds true to life is because it is poured out naturally because it expresses whatrepparttar 129181 writer is feeling onrepparttar 129182 inside atrepparttar 129183 moment.

To see beauty inrepparttar 129184 growth of grass isrepparttar 129185 expression ofrepparttar 129186 soft and aesthetic side.

But does that mean when stuck in a traffic jamrepparttar 129187 writer will not get impatient, when faced with dishonest personsrepparttar 129188 writer is not repulsed; when faced withrepparttar 129189 sight of a hunk flexing his musclesrepparttar 129190 writer does not think dirty little thoughts?

Absolutely not.

Just becauserepparttar 129191 experience of grass growing does not embrace these experiences does not mean these aspects ofrepparttar 129192 author are not present. withinrepparttar 129193 author.

Words are simply used to expressrepparttar 129194 self and are not a substitute forrepparttar 129195 entire self. Ever heard of being dramatic?

Inrepparttar 129196 moment of writing ofrepparttar 129197 growth of grassrepparttar 129198 writer exists in that world andrepparttar 129199 self that writesrepparttar 129200 story is different fromrepparttar 129201 other selves ofrepparttar 129202 writer.

Do not think of many selves as being schizophrenic. You are open with close friends, distant with persons you do not like, professional with business associates and intimate with a loved one.

Of courserepparttar 129203 writer’s self is in consonance withrepparttar 129204 other selves- inrepparttar 129205 mode of thinking and being.

It is natural to be one self as naturally asrepparttar 129206 other selves, and writing means being imbued withrepparttar 129207 value and ideology system ofrepparttar 129208 total self (that isrepparttar 129209 sum of allrepparttar 129210 other selves).

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