Progress Reviews: Your Key To Effective Coaching

Written by Susan Cullen

One ofrepparttar most effective ways to help your staff succeed is to provide regular, consistent coaching throughoutrepparttar 103186 year. A Progress Review is a specific kind of coaching discussion, tied torepparttar 103187 employee’s Annual Objectives and Standards. It is an informal discussion in whichrepparttar 103188 manager coachesrepparttar 103189 direct report to meet any unmet goals that are below target, and praises him or her for goals that are being met. Conducting progress reviews are a very important role for being an effective leader or coach. It is suggested that each of your direct reports receive a progress review discussion from you at least 2-3 times per year.

An outline of process for conducting a Progress Review is below:

1.Refer torepparttar 103190 annual objectives and standards previously developed. Give a copy torepparttar 103191 employee.

Can you create a company (or department) to fulfill your purpose?

Written by Mike Hayden

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I take part in a forum, a sort of Master Mind group of business people in several countries. In a recent teleconference, a well-known business consultant said, "Small businesses fall apart when it comes to strategy."

This led to a discussion ofrepparttar difference between strategy and tactics.

I then offered my views onrepparttar 103185 difference -- and how that difference is implemented in my company. Some people said that strategy and tactics arerepparttar 103186 same. Others said, "It's all semantics -- and who cares anyway!"

Well, semantics isrepparttar 103187 relationship between words (or symbols) and their intended meanings. In my company, "tactics" and "strategy" have different but specific meanings.

Anyway, concurrent with all that, I was reviewing and updating my own purpose and goals. I noticed that during my brainstorming, I was not concerned with either strategy or tactics. I was simply brainstorming my purpose. From my Purpose, I created Goals. That was about it.

But sooner or later, I know that I must create some plans (strategies) to achieve my Purpose and Goals.

And I must take some steps (tactics) to make my strategies happen. So, I drew a diagram showing concentric circles, labeled Purpose, Goals, Strategies, and Tactics. See Diagram at:

OK. Suppose I wanted to organize a company to fulfill that Purpose and those Goals? Here's an example of how I would arrangerepparttar 103188 company's Org Chart fromrepparttar 103189 top down. (Not all possible boxes are shown.) See Diagram at:

N0w, here's whererepparttar 103190 fun begins because there is a phenomenon called inheritance (in my organization), where each subordinate inherits one of their manager's Tactical Objectives as his or her Strategic Objective.

In a moment, I will give you a link so you can study how we do that. Meanwhile...

============================================================ Focus on your Contribution and accelerate achievement of your Purpose. ============================================================

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