Proform Elliptical Trainers Are Not For The Serious

Written by Timothy Gorman

Though many people seem to like their Proform ellipticals, these machines are found not to be very well built. They do just fine if you are not a serious or regular user. However for daily and vigorous workouts another type of elliptical would be a better choice.

Another drawback with Proform ellipticals is thatrepparttar warranty is very short,90 days on parts, and 90 days on labor. If you do decide on a Proform elliptical you should certainly invest inrepparttar 146427 extended warranty. Some people have also complained that afterrepparttar 146428 warranty has run out it's been difficult to getrepparttar 146429 company interested in your problems withrepparttar 146430 machine.

Proform ellipticals are made to look much better than they are, to catchrepparttar 146431 consumers eye. For instancerepparttar 146432 Proform elliptical 800 comes with six programs,and a fan to cool you off while you workout. You can also download additional exercise programs fromrepparttar 146433 net. The handlebars move to work your upper body andrepparttar 146434 unit has a heart rate monitor.

Are You Confused By All The Different Diets? Here's A Quick Diet Comparison

Written by Roy Thomsitt

It would not be surprising to hear your answer is "yes, I'm confused by all these so called diets." You may read from one expert that low carbohydrate (low carb) and high protein isrepparttar way to lose weight. Another will try to convince you that low fat, lots of carbs, fresh fruits and vegetables, isrepparttar 146426 right way to go. Yet another will try to convince you that you need to countrepparttar 146427 amount of sugar; or another that main culprit for your being overweight is white flour. So, if you are serious about losing weight, who should you listen to?

The brief summaries below give a quick overview ofrepparttar 146428 pros and cons of each ofrepparttar 146429 popular types of diet plans.

1. Weight Loss Programmes

There are quite a few well known weight loss programmes, for example SlimFast, Jenny Craig, and NutriSystem. These and a number of other weight loss programmes rely heavily on pre-packaged 'diet' foods. However, they incorporate professional coaching intorepparttar 146430 programme; plus, they also offer some sort of social structure and support to reinforcerepparttar 146431 diet programme.

Advantages of Weight Loss Programmes

The professional coaching and nutritional benefits of such diet programmes are a big positive factor, as arerepparttar 146432 reinforcement and support aspect ofrepparttar 146433 diets. Meals and supplements are prepackaged inrepparttar 146434 right proportions, and if you stick torepparttar 146435 diets and exercise as directed you should lose weight.

Disadvantages of Weight Loss Programmes

You will normally have to pay weekly charges for this type of programme, plusrepparttar 146436 cost ofrepparttar 146437 meals can be expensive. Furthermore, if you rely totally onrepparttar 146438 packaged foods, you will miss out on your re-education as far as your eating habits go. That could be important to maintaining any weight loss inrepparttar 146439 long term.

2. Low Carb & Hi Protein Diets

Diets likerepparttar 146440 Atkins diet,repparttar 146441 South Beach diet, andrepparttar 146442 Zone Diet all recommend restricted intake of carbohydrates, but allow liberal amounts of protein, including protein derived from animal sources. Generally, these diets limitrepparttar 146443 overall amount of carbohydrates, and/or teach you to tellrepparttar 146444 difference between "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. Bad carbohydrates, which are forbidden, include white flour, white bread, and white sugar. The diets all encourage learning healthy eating as part of losing weight. Deriving most of your daily calories from high fiber sources of carbs like leafy green vegetables and grains is generally consideredrepparttar 146445 best diet for nutrition byrepparttar 146446 established medical community. The popularity ofrepparttar 146447 diets makes it easy to find low-carb foods.

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