Professional/Categorical Directories vs. Search Engines

Written by Joseph Anderson

Forrepparttar past year we have been submitting to search engines and through tweaks, changes in Meta Tags, and resubmitting, watched our search engine listing move torepparttar 121985 top or close to it on several ofrepparttar 121986 top search engines. But this is not whererepparttar 121987 majority of our traffic comes from. We have submitted to literally thousands of Free for All Links (FFA), classifieds, and are involved in several different types ofrepparttar 121988 MLM ads. But this is also not whererepparttar 121989 majority of our traffic comes from either.

Where doesrepparttar 121990 traffic come from?

The suspense is killing you so we will let you have it. The Majority by far, uncontested, and definitelyrepparttar 121991 most productive for our marketing efforts is Directories that specialize in our field or occupation. Without fail these directories pull over 90% ofrepparttar 121992 traffic to our website. We found that when doing a search on many ofrepparttar 121993 search engines,repparttar 121994 search engine does not pull our site up directly or first, butrepparttar 121995 site ofrepparttar 121996 directory comes up with a link to our listing on that directory, and then fromrepparttar 121997 directory a direct link to our web site. The directories we have listed (free) with are atrepparttar 121998 top ofrepparttar 121999 search engines already and withrepparttar 122000 specialization inrepparttar 122001 field, drawsrepparttar 122002 most qualified or interested parties torepparttar 122003 directory.

Listing torepparttar 122004 correct directory is very important

Listing torepparttar 122005 correct directory inrepparttar 122006 proper category, in search engines or directories is ofrepparttar 122007 utmost importance. For example, listing your Propecia site (treatment for balding men) in any kind of Women's directory or category would be a waste of effort and draw little or no traffic. Onrepparttar 122008 other hand, listing in Men's directories or anything thatrepparttar 122009 audience is a majority of men, at least withrepparttar 122010 Propecia product, should draw a significant amount of traffic to those interested in that product.

Going beyond just a listing in a directory

To go further to enhance or do more than just a directory listing, you can payrepparttar 122011 directory owner for Banner ads on their main page and under your category, highlighting your listing, being atrepparttar 122012 top of your category or in a search done of your category. Placement is crucial, those who list inrepparttar 122013 directories and have names that start withrepparttar 122014 letter "G" or later inrepparttar 122015 alphabet, may never be seen ifrepparttar 122016 directory list is long and none ofrepparttar 122017 other above mentioned marketing is done.

Entice Your Reader With These 5 Headlines

Written by Alexandria Brown

Inrepparttar world of marketing communications, your first impression - your headline - can lead to either marketing success ... or failure.

It's important to realize that headlines work best when they appeal to your reader's interests (not yours). And not only can they *grab attention*, they can also make your message easy to read, convey your main selling points, and lead your customer to a sale.

Overrepparttar 121984 years copywriting pros have used several headline formulas that always work well. Here are my fab five:

1. The question. "Are You Worried About Your Financial Future?"

A question headline automatically gets your readers involved in your message, because they answer it in their minds. Many people will read further into your letter, ad, or Web site copy just to find out what answer or solution you provide. Again, make surerepparttar 121985 question focuses onrepparttar 121986 reader's interest, not yours. A *bad* example would be: "Do You Know What New Product We've Created This Year?" (No one cares but you! ; ))

2. The How-to. "How to Get Thinner Thighs in 30 Days."

How-to headlines work very well, because people love information that shows them how to do something. (Thousands of book titles begin with "How to....") Think ofrepparttar 121987 benefits your product/service offers and then try creating some "how to" headlines.

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