Product Promoting: Getting The Response

Written by Tameka Norris

When you publish a content site there are times when affiliate products are notrepparttar only products you want to recommend.

Situations when you'll find you'll want to promote a non-affiliate businesses' product(s).

So you'll have to set out to ask permission to do so.

And when you request to use other businesses' copyrighted material, such as graphics or content, you want to be certain to receive a reply back as fast as possible, don't you?


Then there are several things you must be aware of.

What must you be aware of?

You must be aware that there are various reasons why you may receive a slow response. Or never receive a response at all. And here arerepparttar 104166 reasons why:

1. The prospect is very busy and does not have time to respond to you promptly.

2. In connection with #1,repparttar 104167 prospect is busy, means to reply, delays, and then forgets.

3. The prospect may have to do a little research to find out if you are able to userepparttar 104168 material since it may not actually belong torepparttar 104169 company itself.

4. The answer to your request is "no."

After you understand all of those reasons there is one very important factor that could help you receive a quicker response.

And that is making it as easy as possible for your prospect to answer your request.

The less work he has to do,repparttar 104170 fasterrepparttar 104171 reply will come.

Typically speaking, if you request to feature material (of another business) on your website, most intelligent parties will realize it is free advertising for them.

But they still want to be particularly certain that your website is of high caliber.

Sincerepparttar 104172 image of your website reflects on their business.

So you MUST give your prospect every reason inrepparttar 104173 world to say "yes" to your request.

And how do you do that?

1. Own a high quality website.

2. Inform him that is it FREE advertising for his business.

3. Include a link to your website in your email. And then call attention to your website address. (Offer an example page [if possible]).

4. Offer a simple way for him to give you an answer.

5. Be VERY aware that your email is equivalent to a resume (curriculum vitae). Howrepparttar 104174 email appears is how you appear. If its sloppy, then you're sloppy, and your website is sloppy. It must be professional, have no typos, or grammar errors. Proofread!

It is best to create a template that you can use anytime a situation occurs in which you need to request to use another business' material. And in that template there should be a simple multiple choice section.

If you've done all ofrepparttar 104175 work forrepparttar 104176 prospect then you have a much higher chance of gettingrepparttar 104177 response. Remember, you'rerepparttar 104178 one infringing on his time.

Why should he have to spend extra time out of his day to respond to you? He doesn't need you. You need him.

So give him every reason to respond.

His minutes wasted = unlikely response. His seconds wasted = very likely response.

Minutes and seconds are a large margin apart.

Less work for your prospects equal more responses. More work for your prospects equal less responses.

Due to my own experiences I realize how important this is so I have even made it very easy for you.

We Are Exactly Where We Choose to Be

Written by Greg Reid

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to:

We Are Exactly Where We Choose to Be

The idea for this month's newsletter came from an unlikely encounter: I recently had lunch with a new friend named Rick Rockwell. You may remember him asrepparttar 104165 bachelor fromrepparttar 104166 first-ever reality TV show, "Who Wants to Marry a Multimillionaire?"

During our meeting, Rick described some ofrepparttar 104167 knowledge he gained from doingrepparttar 104168 show, along with a few of past his experiences in business, ethics, and of course, primetime romance. The stories were fantastic,repparttar 104169 drama was riveting, and as Rick detailed his adventures with great humor, what impressed me most was what he wasn't saying.

You see, at no time did he dwell onrepparttar 104170 misfortune of not findingrepparttar 104171 love of his life orrepparttar 104172 wayrepparttar 104173 media portrayed him. Instead, he said something alongrepparttar 104174 lines of, "You know, Greg,! short and simply put, our circumstances, good or bad, are a direct result of our own actions, and ultimately,repparttar 104175 only thing in which we are in true control of is our own (Attitude) towards them."

To which I agreed and responded, "You're absolutely right. We're are all dealt obstacles as well as good fortune in our lives-that's simply a part of life itself. Yet it's how we handlerepparttar 104176 obstacles that showsrepparttar 104177 world our true character as a person."

Rick and I sat there, just reflecting onrepparttar 104178 impact of that message for a bit untilrepparttar 104179 idea of this newsletter popped into my head. I said, "You know, Rick, when it's all said and done,repparttar 104180 bottom line is . . .

"We are exactly where we choose to be."

Now, this is where I putrepparttar 104181 question to you,repparttar 104182 reader: Isn't that true for all of us? Isn't that true for all those around us?

I'm sure you know people (or perhaps even yourself at times) who blamerepparttar 104183 world for their setbacks and failures, then simply! credit "luck" for those who succeed around them. Yet, when we really examine our own lives, we see that we are exactly where we choose to be at any given moment.

>We are a product of our own environment because we arerepparttar 104184 ones creatingrepparttar 104185 environment we are in.<

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