Problem Solving Techniques For Business And Life

Written by Steve Gillman

Learning a few good problem solving techniques can improve your bottom line and your life.

Do you ever run out of good ideas, or go around in circles trying to come up with a solution for a persistent problem? Maybe you just need to learn some simple problem solving techniques, and then start applying them. Choose one or two ofrepparttar methods below, and get inrepparttar 103204 habit of using them in your personal life and your business.

Using Your Unconscious Mind

Let your unconscious mind do your problem solving. Outline a problem in your mind before going to sleep, and tell your brain to go to work. Einstein had good luck with this technique, sometimes gettingrepparttar 103205 "ah-ha" insight while shavingrepparttar 103206 next morning.

Next, instruct your mind to keep working onrepparttar 103207 problem while you do other things. There is more than we know going on inside our heads. An answer may come to you when you least expect it.

Try working on problems when you are in a drowsy state. This can result in more creative solutions.

Systematic Problem Solving Techniques

Challenge assumptions. For example, if you are assuming you need a better or higher-paying job, ask "do I really need a better job?" Maybe you can get a raise, or somehow makerepparttar 103208 job you have better. A business onrepparttar 103209 side might be an option. Don't let your assumptions limitrepparttar 103210 possible solutions.

Break it down. Buying a house is a big move that is really a bunch of small steps. This is true of many problems. Start by addressing all ofrepparttar 103211 components of a problem individually, and it may not seem so overwhelming. This makes it easier to motivate yourself.

Ask others for advice. They may or may not have good ideas, but in any case this helps you be sure that you are not overlooking anything obvious.

Write it down. Then find another way to expressrepparttar 103212 problem and write that down. Continue with all solutions and ideas that come to mind. Write down everything. Later you can pickrepparttar 103213 diamonds out of repparttar 103214 dirt.

Change your perspective. Imagine you are rich, poor, a child, a visitor from another planet. How would you see repparttar 103215 problem from this new perspective? Einstein imagined riding on a beam of light, which lead to his theory of relativity, so this technique has been known to work.

More Problem Solving Techniques

Randomly pick an object, and ask what it can teach you about your problem. If you're looking for a way to fire a bad employee, for example, a mailbox might make you think of writing him a letter (and a billboard might make you laugh). A tree might give you no ideas, but then a frail roadworker might make you think, "maybe he is just inrepparttar 103216 wrong position, and he can do a good job elsewhere inrepparttar 103217 company."

Organized for Success: Five Keys for Making Home-Work Work

Written by Anita R. paul

If only you could work from home you would be able to get more done. No interruptions from co-workers. No pretentious banter with your boss. No sitting in meetings for hours thinking about allrepparttar work you could be doing, or better yet, daydreaming of being someplace else altogether. And beyond all that, you’d have no worries about who would pick uprepparttar 103203 kids or prepare dinner or how you’ll manage to squeeze in your daily workout. Heck, if you worked from home, you’d be able to do all that and more because your life would be so much more convenient and organized. Yeah, right.

Home-based business owners have it tough when it comes to staying balanced and getting things done. Although working from home seems likerepparttar 103204 ideal situation for being more efficient and organized, and maximizing your time and effort, it doesn’t always work out that way. Getting and staying organized is more than just buying a PDA and writing a to do list. It involves making a commitment to be efficient in everything you do—from home and family to leisure, fitness, and of course, business. But what do you do when you have a million things to do in one 24-hour period, and no one to help you—or so you think? You get organized.

According to LaNita Filer of Organizing Concepts Plus, a Houston, Texas-based professional organizing firm, you must have a system for everything. “Determine your personality style and find a system that works for you, whether it’s electronic, a planner, file folders, a Palm or good old fashioned paper and pencil,” she advises.

But how do you go about getting organized? Try these suggestions to help manage your time, know where things are when you need them, makerepparttar 103205 most of your day, and be more efficient.

Organize Being organized isn’t just forrepparttar 103206 anal-retentives out there. Nor is it a matter of being meticulous about every aspect of your life. Butrepparttar 103207 benefits of basic organization in your home office can save you time, money and perhaps some embarrassing moments. While it might take you some up-front time to get things in order, it will definitely be to your advantage inrepparttar 103208 long run.

First of all, take a good look at your work area. If you’re like me, you might not work at a desk. Since I work from home using a laptop computer, my desk is wherever I am—my bed, kitchen table or living room sofa. Wherever you work, place often used items within arms reach so you don’t waste time and energy searching forrepparttar 103209 cordless telephone,repparttar 103210 stapler,repparttar 103211 memory key, data CDs or other items critical to your daily tasks.

If you’re comfortable with technology and want to use it torepparttar 103212 fullest, automate as much as possible. Get rid of that antiquated Rolodex that’s collecting dust on top of your desk. Takerepparttar 103213 time to add contacts to your electronic database. Stop using that old-fashioned calculator and start usingrepparttar 103214 one on your computer or PDA. Simple adjustments such as these can help you focus onrepparttar 103215 task at hand and avoid being distracted by time-wasting activities.

Next, make staying organized an ongoing task. “When you start a new project, immediately make a new folder for it,” advises Filer. “If you prefer to gorepparttar 103216 electronic route as well, be sure your computer filing system reflectsrepparttar 103217 one in your file cabinet.” And finally, atrepparttar 103218 end of each day, create a “To Do” list forrepparttar 103219 next day. This way you’ll know exactly what needs to get done so you don’t waste time trying to remember that one thing that absolutely, positively has to get done tomorrow. Take it a step further and rank items, placingrepparttar 103220 most important items first and least important items last. What a great segue to our next suggestion.

Prioritize Okay, so you’re reviewing your “To Do” list, which includes ten “must do” business items for today. Besides that, you have to moprepparttar 103221 floor, takerepparttar 103222 kids to golf lessons, drop off Duke atrepparttar 103223 vet, hitrepparttar 103224 gym and probably take a nap. But what really needs to get done today?

As you prioritize your daily tasks, take a tip from Stephen Covey, author of “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. Handle important tasks so they don’t become urgent tasks. Think about what’s important for today. Prioritizing doesn’t mean putting things off for days and days. That is how important tasks become urgent. Prioritizing simply means ranking and executing tasks based upon their relationship torepparttar 103225 other important things you need to do today.

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