Problem Snoring? Try these free home remedies and solutions

Written by Alannah Moore

Snoring is a serious problem; both for snorers, and for those who live with (and love!) snorers.

Snoring can be dangerous - if you're a problem snorer, you do need to get yourself checked out. But don't let anyone tell you that surgery isrepparttar only answer for people with really serious snoring problems - there are dozens of non- surgical ways of stopping snoring.

There are devices such asrepparttar 140544 the "Sandler" Pillow and appliances like CPAPs and tongue retrainers, and medically prescribed pharmaceuticals which can help alleviate problem snoring.

But did you know that there are also numerous simple home remedies and techniques that have proved effective for thousands of snorers?

- Warm Beverages Before Bedtime

Drinking a warm beverage just before bedtime has proven to be an effective remedy for a number of snorers. Adding a small amount of honey torepparttar 140545 water can help coatrepparttar 140546 walls ofrepparttar 140547 trachea. Some people have even found that combining honey, warm water, and apple cider vinegar creates a rather potent, yet non-addictive and non-fattening anti-snoring drink.

Herbal tea, particularlyrepparttar 140548 kind labeled Breathe Easy (or anything that promotes an unclogged airway) can help prevent snoring. Some of these teas can also contain chamomile or other herbs that promote sleeping.

- Diet

Surprisingly, many people aren’t entirely sure of what they’re allergic to. This is definitely an area to watch when tackling your snoring - anything that leads to congestion can enhance snoring.

Vitamin C can be a significant irritant - monitor your reactions when taking vitamin C in both supplement and direct form (through fruit or juice).

These foods may also enhance congestion in some people: -dairy products -fried foods -chocolate -frozen foods -some baked goods (e.g. pizza)

However, there are some foods that are purported to be good for snorers; which means, of course, that they can possibly help alleviate some degree of snoring. These anti-snore- friendly foods (i.e. foods that tonerepparttar 140549 trachea) include:

-mustard greens -pears -thyme -horseradish -onions -garlic -leeks -scallions -lobster -seaweed

- Essential Oils

There are several herbal stop-snoring remedies that are commercially available, such as Snoreeze and D-Snore.

Diet - Anxiety & Panic

Written by Joanne King

I thinkrepparttar old saying “You are what you eat” – is so true, when your eating junk, you tend to feel rather lousy. I can vouch for this!

I used to be a manager in a fast food joint, and because I could eat for free there I did. I was working 12-18 hour days, and I was expecting a bunch of junk food to get me throughrepparttar 140520 day? NAH-UH!

It was during this job that I developed Anxiety and Panic Disorder, my lifestyle was so unhealthy on so many scales its no wonder I was so vulnerable to develop to Anxiety and Panic Disorder.

As I begun to change my eating habits, I noticed a massive improvement in my concentration and my over all well-being. I didn’t feel as tired through-outrepparttar 140521 day and actually felt more keen to exercise.

I am no diet expert; I usually stick torepparttar 140522 original diet pyramid. I start my morning with a bowl of cereal and toast. A sandwich for lunch (preferably salad with fresh ham, depending on how rich I am that week) *smiles* otherwise it might berepparttar 140523 good ol’ vegemite sandwiches, and usually a banana and a yogurt for through-outrepparttar 140524 day for morning tea or afternoon tea.

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