Preventive Healthcare: The Cheapest Way To Stay Healthy

Written by Irina

Preventive Healthcare: The Cheapest Way To Stay Healthy

By Irina

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Who won't agree that prevention isrepparttar 115518 most economical form of healthcare? Yet, a recent government study showed that 55% of all Americans do not receive preventive services such as: - immunizations, - screening tests, and - education about healthy habits and injury prevention.

It used to be simple: everyone needed a standardized "complete physical" exam once a year. But inrepparttar 115519 1980s, an independent committee of physicians calledrepparttar 115520 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force concluded that overrepparttar 115521 long run, it doesn't pay off in terms of better health and longer life.

The good old head-to-toe physical became unnecessary for healthy people, since it yields too few benefits for its cost. Some routine tests, such as chest X-rays, electrocardiograms (EKGs), urine tests, and complete blood counts are now reserved only for people with symptoms or risk factors.

No wonder that both doctors and patients are confused by contradictory recommendations. What should a medical checkup consist of? Does everybody need an annual physical? Should all men get a PSA test? At what age should a woman start having mammograms?

Experts will continue to argue, but each of us has to make his/her own choice. With insurance premiums constantly rising, simply getting an access to preventive services is a serious financial challenge, but there are some alternatives that give us hope.

Divine Food for Divine Beauty

Written by Tonya Zavasta

Excerpted fromrepparttar book “Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Haltrepparttar 115517 Train of Aging and Meetrepparttar 115518 Most Beautiful You” by Tonya Zavasta. The book is available at:

The phrase "natural beauty" has been abused and misused beyond restoration. The modern use is almost never associated with its true meaning. Someone said there should be a portrait of a healthy person in a museum so people would know what they are talking about. If we don’t know what a healthy person looks like, how do we know what natural beauty is?

In our unnatural world,repparttar 115519 word "natural" no longer means without effort, at least not inrepparttar 115520 realm of obtaining your best look. One thing is a must in defining natural beauty: its achievement must not involve any sacrifice of health. None, period. If health is compromised in any way beauty is not natural.

Our body was created inrepparttar 115521 image of God,repparttar 115522 Supreme Beauty. When our actions are in opposition to nature,repparttar 115523 results are different types of bodily ills, deformities, and ugliness. Since there can be no natural beauty without eating 100 percent natural food, most of you have never seenrepparttar 115524 natural you.

There is an urgent need for another word. The contemporary meaning of natural is too far fromrepparttar 115525 divine. I suggest filling this void with "rawsome", a new word circulating inrepparttar 115526 raw food community. It is a combination of two words:" raw" and "awesome" withrepparttar 115527 meaning being something between natural and divine. The diet of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds also needs to be renamed. I have often been told thatrepparttar 115528 phrase “the raw food diet”, sounds like eating raw meat, particularly sushi, which is misleading. The raw food diet is so awesome that it should be calledrepparttar 115529 very name it inspired-repparttar 115530 Rawsome Diet.

Most of us feel our appearance lacks something. In reality, ugliness is more about excess. Toxic accumulations in our bodies are responsible for stealing our health and attractiveness. Beauty lies latent under cushions of retained fluids, deposits of fat, and sick tissues. Your beauty is buried alive, but in most cases it can be revived in a version that will be satisfactory to you. You must take immediate action to revitalize it. When you do, your uncovered beauty will surprise and delight you.

Eating cooked food will leave residuesrepparttar 115531 body cannot utilize, and they will be deposited in places our Creator never intended. Everything not fully digested and properly eliminated,repparttar 115532 body will treat as an abnormal substance. It will pocket these toxins as far away fromrepparttar 115533 vital organs as possible--onrepparttar 115534 peripheries ofrepparttar 115535 body--where it will invariably be reflected in our outward appearance. Ifrepparttar 115536 body cannot use it inside, it will deposit it onrepparttar 115537 outside. Nutrients fromrepparttar 115538 food you eat spiral upward torepparttar 115539 epidermis, and their quality will determine whether you will have a glowing clear complexion or skin spotted with growths, such as moles and skin sores.

Some physical characteristics of our face and body we cannot change--they were determined prior to our birth. Butrepparttar 115540 consumption ofrepparttar 115541 raw plant diet as an adult will make a difference inrepparttar 115542 texture of skin and hair,repparttar 115543 health of nails, weight and complexion. All of these traits and more are determined by daily choices, with food being one ofrepparttar 115544 most important and, luckily,repparttar 115545 one we can fully control.

The Rawsome diet isrepparttar 115546 most suitable one for human physiology. It is salubrious torepparttar 115547 body’s health and salutary to its beauty. The ability to renew cells is built into your body, andrepparttar 115548 body itself is capable of making you look more attractive. After all, we were designed to bloom continuously as old cells get replaced by new ones. The Rawsome diet makesrepparttar 115549 most of this rejuvenating ability of our bodies.

Rawsome beauty is not manufactured fromrepparttar 115550 outside but cultivated fromrepparttar 115551 inside by nutritionally charged food. Whole raw food restoresrepparttar 115552 integrity of every cell and facilitatesrepparttar 115553 optimal operation of every organ inside and out. The body, having been awakened byrepparttar 115554 improved diet, in its wisdom, will reach out torepparttar 115555 places where health was lacking, and you will gradually see your beauty surfacing. The Rawsome diet will eliminate allrepparttar 115556 toxins on a deeper level and bring amazing changes to your appearance.

Onlyrepparttar 115557 body sustained on raw food will host natural beauty, or should we say Rawsome beauty. The landscape ofrepparttar 115558 body will change. The surface ofrepparttar 115559 skin will become soft and smooth but still firm and supple. Visible pores will diminish. A sallow skin with a yellow pallor will turn into a porcelain-like complexion. The whites of eyes, once red, will become bright with a bluish tinge. As natural collagen production improves, it will fill inrepparttar 115560 places where it is needed as in hollow cheeks. Raw food eating will clarify and refine your features and bring delicacy to your face.

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