Presenting with a Partner

Written by Mike Faber

There are times when you’ll share "the stage" with a business or personal partner. Perhaps one of you has a better grasp of technical or other aspects of your subject. Perhaps you are quite good at facilitating questions fromrepparttar audience, or recording input on a flip chart for later use. However you choose to share presenting duties, resistrepparttar 107951 temptation to "just wing it." While sometimes these situations are impromptu, even five minutes to prepare will aid both your presentation andrepparttar 107952 audience. Here are some steps to insure that all members of a presentation group getrepparttar 107953 chance to show their best work.

1. Pinpoint why you’re sharingrepparttar 107954 presentation duties. This should include a brief summation ofrepparttar 107955 specific talents and knowledge that each presenter adds to make for a better audience experience.

2. Agree on how much time you’ll need forrepparttar 107956 entire presentation. 3. Specify who will be doing what, andrepparttar 107957 time allotted for each segment. This sounds simple but skipping this step can sinkrepparttar 107958 whole ship! You will want to know who is responsible forrepparttar 107959 introduction of your topic, introduction of speakers, body ofrepparttar 107960 presentation, Q&A, summary and wrap-up. If you have supporting data, slides or handouts assign a person to manage distribution of that information.

Four Golden nuggets of Effective Listening

Written by Eric Plantenberg

Why should I improve my listening skills?

It's a great question. Forrepparttar simple reason that a person's listening skills are a central component to most ofrepparttar 107950 activities people care about. Your ability to understand what others are trying to tell you, to grasp details about projects, to learn information about a customer's needs, or to understand what is going on in your family's life all depend on your ability to effectively listen.

While most people possessrepparttar 107951 ability to hear, many have never takenrepparttar 107952 time to consciously developrepparttar 107953 ability to listen. Here are four golden nuggets to help you improve your listening skills: Slow down and relax. The fact that your mind can think at least 7 times faster than people can talk identifies much ofrepparttar 107954 problem right fromrepparttar 107955 start. To maximizerepparttar 107956 amount of information you are receiving from a conversation, you must minimizerepparttar 107957 number of thoughts that are racing through your mind. To help you slow down and relax, you might try taking slow deep breaths or sitting down. Both can often help slow your pace if you are feeling rushed. Focus on what is being said. That means no multi-tasking! Splitting your attention between something other than what is being said, whether that is reading, typing in your computer, or even taking notes, are all significant distractions to you ability to listen. It is also frequently annoying or even disrespectful torepparttar 107958 person who is speaking.

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