Prescription Without The Pharmacy

Written by Sherri L Dodd

After several months of noticing consistent weight gain, a thirty-five year old woman decides to visit her doctor. She is amazed thatrepparttar extra weight seems to have come from out ofrepparttar 140246 blue and proclaims her diet has never been a problem before now? She wondered if it could be her thyroid (a frequent complaint of her mother’s). Or maybe pregnancy? Even worse, could it be some chronic condition? And, forget about what it could be, what couldrepparttar 140247 doctor give her to loserepparttar 140248 weight and regain her energetic zest? After a thorough checkup and confirmed lab results,repparttar 140249 doctor found nothing of concern, but did write Mary a prescription – one mile of walking per day, five times a week.

This action is not so absurd. According torepparttar 140250 Archives of Internal Medicine, more and more doctors are being encouraged by their industry’s board of superiors to write prescriptions of exercise for their patients, especially those with obesity issues. And fortunately, they are conceding.

The estimated figure of premature death rate resulting from obesity-related afflictions (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) is 300,000 per year. This equates to healthcare costs of up to $90 billion! There would be a substantial drop in these cases if patients would participate in physical activity. Not only would it help to lower their body weight, it could among many things, lower high risk factors of heart disease such as high cholesterol and hypertension.

Since individuals seek out medical advice long before they consider assistance from a personal trainer,repparttar 140251 measure arguedrepparttar 140252 importance of doctors condoningrepparttar 140253 use of exercise to assist with obesity problems. Withrepparttar 140254 medical field supportingrepparttar 140255 notion of a fitness program, it serves as reinforcement forrepparttar 140256 general population of Americans to make exercise an essential part of their lives.

If we are eating 99% fat free, why are we 99% fat?!

Written by Sheridan Woodcroft

Copyright 2005 Sheridan Woodcroft

Unfortunately, obesity is reaching epidemic proportions, with over 60% of our population now overweight. We need to take control of this problem NOW.

There are three terms that need to be understood in order to take control of your weight - fat, fibre, and carbohydrates. Fat is fairly straight forward. Fibre is anything that grows out ofrepparttar ground… mainly fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and berries. The important thing to know about fibre is thatrepparttar 140228 acid in your stomach won’t break it down, so when you eat fibre, it fills you up faster and keeps you full longer. Finally, Carbohydrates are foods that are naturally sweet, or anything made with sugar or flour.

Most people have heard that if you eat low fat or no fat foods you can lose weight. Well in reality, that’s just halfrepparttar 140229 story. Most people, when trying low fat diets, go torepparttar 140230 store and start reading labels and looking for anything that has zero fat. People then think, “Great, I can eat all I want.” They eat almost no fat at all - and end up gaining weight! That’s why you need to knowrepparttar 140231 other half ofrepparttar 140232 story.

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