Pregnancy Weight Gain - The Mystery Solved

Written by Beverley Brooke

It is important that you remember that weight gain is a normal and healthy part of pregnancy. You have to gain weight in order to provide a healthy and comfortable home forrepparttar child that you will be nurturing forrepparttar 136633 next nine months.

Most women want to know whatrepparttar 136634 ideal weight is during pregnancy. Honestly, there is no one answer. Weight gain will vary from woman to woman. There is no one ‘ideal’ weight during pregnancy, just like there is no one ‘ideal’ weight that is just right for al women.

That said there are certain guidelines that you can follow to ensure thatrepparttar 136635 weight you gain during pregnancy is healthy.

Most physicians will recommendrepparttar 136636 following weight gain:

If you are normal weight before getting pregnant you should expect to gain between 25 and 35 pounds throughout your pregnancy.

If you are underweight prior to pregnancy you will need to gain more weight, typically between 28 and 40 pounds during your pregnancy. Your healthcare provider will be able to provide you with more specific guidelines.

Smoking During Pregnancy

Written by Beverley Brooke

If you have been drinking up untilrepparttar point when you become pregnant or smoking it is also vital that you stop doing so immediately. Many women worry that they consumed a few alcoholic drinks prior to learning they were pregnant. If you are concerned you should talk with your healthcare provider. Chances are that everything will be just fine as long as you stop immediately. At this time there are no recommended safe limits of alcohol to consume during pregnancy, thus it is best that you avoid alcohol all together.

Smoking is equally as harmful for a mother during pregnancy. Smoking can also affect your unborn fetus, potentially contributing to birth defects or respiratory problems later in life. Did you know that when you smoke your baby is receiving less oxygen than they normally would? This can cause your baby to grow less rapidly than they might normally, and may also contribute to preterm labor, which can be potentially life threatening for your infant.

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