Pre-Diabetes: "Check Engine" Warning Light

Written by David Anderson

Your car has an early detection system and so does your body. Take 3 minutes to read this article and learn how you can save yourself a life time of aches, pains, and costly medical bills.

Have you ever hadrepparttar "Check Engine" warning light come on in your car? Most newer cars have a system that monitorsrepparttar 114474 performance of your car. If something is not working properly,repparttar 114475 "Check Engine" light usually comes on.

The good news is that this "pre-warning" system can help you avoid costly damage, which may be occurring with your vehicle, by detecting small problems before they become big problems. However,repparttar 114476 only way to be certain is to have your car inspected by an expert mechanic whenrepparttar 114477 "Check Engine" light comes on.

Did you know that your body has a "pre-warning" system?

With many diseases, your body will start producing symptoms such as aches, pains, fatigue, frequent thirst, and so on. These symptoms are your body's "Check Engine" light, warning you about problems.

However, with diabetes, pre-warning signs don't always show up so easily. The medical community is calling it: "Pre-Diabetes".

Today, roughly 41 million Americans have pre-diabetes which left undetected and untreated, progresses into full-blown diabetes.

The challenge with pre-diabetes isrepparttar 114478 fact thatrepparttar 114479 condition doesn't like to reveal itself with noticeable symptoms. Because there are few, if any symptoms, most people will not bother having screening tests performed. With pre-diabetes, noticeable symptoms like frequent thirst and urination may not occur untilrepparttar 114480 disease has progressed and is already causing considerable damage to your body. Most Type 2 diabetics don't have symptoms becauserepparttar 114481 onset of diabetes is so slow.

Bigger, Badder Infections Spreading in Clusters

Written by Melissa Gordon | October 20 2004

Doctors aroundrepparttar country are facing patients who come back with infections that are not cured byrepparttar 114473 antibiotics they prescribed. A staph resistant bacteria strain is becoming more and more common and our doctors need to start draining abscesses and taking cultures again. The new resistant staff requires fast treatment with specific antibiotics such as Cipromyacin and macrolids. Natural substances that fight and prevent bacterial infection include colloidial silver, Transfer Factor, garlic and Samento. Daniel Jernigan, an Epidemiologist atrepparttar 114474 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is quoted as saying "Staph infections are such a common problem thatrepparttar 114475 emergence of infections resistant to common antibiotics has important public health implications."

Dr. Bonnie Bock, an infectious disease specialist in Newport Beach, California says "Most doctors are just not aware of this." She has treated whole groups of secretaries, gay men and others forrepparttar 114476 resistant staph infections. She estimates two-thirds ofrepparttar 114477 staph abscesses she currently encounters are caused byrepparttar 114478 resistant strain. These infections are unexpectedly aggressive; they multiply faster and make more of a toxin that inhibits our immune systems. If they aren't treated withrepparttar 114479 right antibiotics quickly, they can easily become life threatening.

According to Elizabeth Bancroft, a medical epidemiologist atrepparttar 114480 Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, aroundrepparttar 114481 year 2002repparttar 114482 incidence of staph resistant infections rose dramatically inrepparttar 114483 Los Angeles area. Then, duringrepparttar 114484 spring of 2004, The Angeles Health Department was informed of a mini-epidemic of staph infections in a group of healthy newborns as well as an outbreak in a county jail, a cluster of infection withinrepparttar 114485 gay male community and a cluster in a professional football team;repparttar 114486 bacteria causingrepparttar 114487 outbreaks were nearly identical.

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