PrayerWhat has Lord been saying to me? As I begin to write and formulate this article, I am faced with inevitable question. What is Lord saying to you. In answer to this question, it is easy to fall into trap of presenting a sermon on a topic that is on my heart and has been for preceding week. Instead, I am going to attempt to answer this thought with a more informal response.
The Lord has shown me that His people were first known as :’The Ones who called upon Lord’. In Genesis 4:26 :"And as for Seth, to him also a son was born and he named him Enosh. Then men began to call on name of Lord."
In Jeremiah 33:3 we read :"Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know".
God wants us to call upon Him. In Book of Acts we read about how apostles were all in one accord, in one place. They (the apostles) had a habit of meeting and praying daily, in one place in one accord, and thats when building started to move, thats when Holy Spirit descended upon them! Praise God! You see even Apostles who had walked with Jesus, talked with Jesus, ate with Jesus, had to come together in one accord in prayer, before Holy Spirit moved. This really ministered to me. I have seen what happens when a Church gathers in one accord, in one place in prayer. Mountain moving faith manifests, people get saved, sick get healed, and Holy Spirit starts to move.
If we as a church would come together in one accord, we too can expect God to show up. Are you ready for supernatural? The biggest handicap that Body of Christ faces today is division amongst ourselves. Christ will return for a united body of believers irrespective of doctrinal beliefs and differences. We find in Acts that disciples were in one accord , praying daily for a period of ten days. The preacher (Peter) did not have any fancy gimmicks, audio visual systems or even any training (as far as we know) in oratory presentation. What he did have was anointing of Holy Spirit. We read in Acts 2:41 that three thousand were added to their number.