Pray Before You Vote

Written by Kathy Simcox

I was hesitant to share these words out of a concern of turning them into a religious sermon or political plight. But then I decided to share them anyway because, thanks to President George W. Bush, I am still free to speak my mindrepparttar way I choose.

I consider myself to be a woman of very strong faith. Being actively involved in a wonderful Lutheran church, I can not think of a better way to spend my Sunday mornings. But despite my religious convictions, I am human, after all, prone to wander, make wrong choices, and be, well, human. But it is my faith that carries me through those oh-too-often human moments in my life. It is that wondrous Amazing Grace that finds me each time I am lost and that same Amazing Grace will eventually carry me home.

It is within this strong faith that I find my peace, whether I'm singing with my church choir, kayaking down a lazy river asrepparttar 125961 mist rises fromrepparttar 125962 water, hiking alone amongrepparttar 125963 sweet-smelling pine trees of some forest, or doing something so simple as playing with my cat Sophie. I look around me and marvel at God's miraculous creations and I realize how fortunate I am to be an American, free to enjoy everything this beautiful life has to offer.

As my sense of peace grows, so does my spiritual maturity, again, despite my imperfections. As more years stretch out behind me,repparttar 125964 more I seem to understand how God works. I don't profess to know how Something, or Someone, so profound as God thinks; no, that is a feat left for academia to ponder. But evidence of how He works can be seen in His people. I don't mean to narrow this down torepparttar 125965 Christian God; indeed,repparttar 125966 God of all religions has something special to share withrepparttar 125967 world and all do so in His own unique way. But because I am a Christian, there is, and will be, no other God before me. Which is why I must say this:

I do not care what happened on that fateful election night inrepparttar 125968 year 2000. I don't care what was counted, how many times it was counted, what was not counted, or who didrepparttar 125969 counting. Byrepparttar 125970 very convictions of my own faith and with every ounce of my heart I believe that God was looking out for America that night. He choserepparttar 125971 right man atrepparttar 125972 right time. If anyone else had been chosen, it is true that we might not be at war right now. No one likes war, whether they haverepparttar 125973 tremendous responsibility of declaring war or actually fighting in one. It's ugly business. But to not go to war would've beenrepparttar 125974 gravest mistake in American history; indeed, in world history. Why? Because it is never a mistake to protectrepparttar 125975 freedoms within God's creation - not just American freedoms, but those ofrepparttar 125976 entire world. Regardless of what God a person worships, I guarantee that that God wishes everyone in His creation could praise his name without fear, fear of torture, prison, deadly gases, or even death. Freedom from fear is what this war is all about. And again, thanks to President Bush and our superior military forces, one ofrepparttar 125977 world's worst initiators of this fear left his power buried in a little spider hole.

You're Fired!

Written by Sheldon Reiffenstein

You’re Fired! by Sheldon Reiffenstein

The scene opens in a boardroom with three men, two seated on one side of a large rosewood table,repparttar third seated onrepparttar 125960 opposite side facing them. The third man is speaking: "George, Dick, you’ve had four years to run this business - four years! I’m looking atrepparttar 125961 balance sheet, and, frankly, I’m disappointed. Just looking atrepparttar 125962 numbers here freaks me out. When you took over,repparttar 125963 business had a surplus of $200 billion and today we have a deficit of over $400 billion. Plus you’ve had to layoff about two million people. If I ran a business like this, I’d be bankrupt." "But, Mr. Trump, we did run into some bad times. September 11 cut a large hole in our revenues..." "Yes, George, I know that September 11 was devastating, but it only accounts for about 30% of this deficit. And, in three years you should have been able to pullrepparttar 125964 business out ofrepparttar 125965 red. Didn’t you promise that when you put in place those major tax cuts of yours? Weren’t they supposed to have revivedrepparttar 125966 business?" "Well, it’s starting to, Mr. Trump. We’ve added almost 700,000 new jobs this year, andrepparttar 125967 unemployment rate is only 5.4%. I think that’s good progress. We’re moving forward and we’re not turning back." "George, don’t try tossing those ridiculous feel-good lines at me. Do I look like an idiot?" "No, Mr. Trump." "Right. So now that we’re clear on that. You made a big hit withrepparttar 125968 employees that day you stood at ‘Ground Zero’ and hollered through that megaphone. Then you bombed Afghanistan. Those were good things. But, George, you’ve lost your focus since then. This Iraq venture, what is it with that?" "He was a threat torepparttar 125969 free world, Saddam was." "How? He had no WMD, no nuclear program, which you claimed in front ofrepparttar 125970 whole world. His army was in disarray, his economy could never have supported any kind of war or invasion of another country. Worst of all he had absolutely no ties torepparttar 125971 real criminal…you do remember his name don’t you, George?…That Osama guy,repparttar 125972 guy you threaten to capture dead or alive? Just what happened to him?" "We have men searching for him right now." "How many? A few hundred searching hundreds of thousands of square miles of mountains in Afghanistan. You really think you’re going to find that needle in a haystack with that force? While you’ve got 140,000 troops tied up in this Iraq mess, and for how long? It’s going to be five years or more according to your own reports." "But America is safer, Mr. Trump, with Saddam gone." "How are we safer? You have no proof that Saddam posed any threat torepparttar 125973 United States. All we have to rely on are your words. A lot of people are looking atrepparttar 125974 mess in Iraq and they don’t seem to trust your word, your simplistic little phrases, so much. How can we believe we’re safer? Osama is still onrepparttar 125975 loose; we know thatrepparttar 125976 Al Qaeda ranks are growing; militants are causing terrible havoc in Iraq cities; over 1,000 American soldiers are dead, almost 900 of those since you declared ‘Mission Accomplished’. What was it with that anyway?"

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