Practice, Practice, Practice

Written by Skye Thomas

It may sound silly butrepparttar key to self-confidence and building more self-esteem is through practice. Practice what it is you want to feel more confident about and eventually,repparttar 122975 confidence will show itself. That makes sense if we're talking about a skill like playingrepparttar 122976 piano. With enough practice, you naturally begin to get good at it and then you feel more confident. But what about tougher things like public speaking or meeting new people? How do you practice something that you're terrified to do inrepparttar 122977 first place?

If you have extreme self-esteem issues then you might want to seek professional help, but if you've determined that isn't necessary, I would suggest that you start out by finding something that you genuinely love to do. Other than maybe reading books or doing crossword puzzles over coffee, most hobbies are a good place to start. Do you love to paint? Do you love to play a musical instrument? Do you love athletics? Find something that you love to do or that you think you would love to do. It's not important what it is other than that it would bring you into contact with people on a tiny level. Unless you're living in a cave somewhere, somebody is going to see your art work, hear your music, or see you running around practicing your sport. You don't have to pick a big team oriented thing, just something that fascinates you and will be noticeable. Then do it. Learn to draw, take music lessons, start playing basketball in your own driveway, whatever, just start doing something that you can really enjoy.

Keep doing it until you get really good at it. It doesn't have to necessarily be your career, but that would be fun for you if it was. Practice often and with complete joy. Lose yourself in it. That's part of overcoming self-confidence issues is forgetting to think about you. Swim laps atrepparttar 122978 pool until you forget to care how you look. Get lost in something other than analyzing yourself. Fall in love with some hobby that takes your mind away from what others might think of you. Just keep practicing something you love until you get really good at it. It's your hobby and your love, so don't make any judgments over whether or not it's stupid to like doing whatever it is that you like doing. Just get on with it.

When you're inrepparttar 122979 moment -- writing music or designing websites or whatever it is you've chosen, take a moment to reflect on how far you've come. At some point, you're going to realize that you're not too bad. At another point, you'll even think, "Hey, I'm pretty good at this." Someday, you'll look up and notice that you're an expert or atrepparttar 122980 very least awesome at what you've chosen to do. Take that growing self-confidence that's connected to your hobby and begin channeling it into other areas. Depending on how much of a self-esteem problem you started out with it could be a matter of months or years before you are able to really see yourself in a new light. It's one thing to say that everyone has their unique and special talent. It's quite another to find and embrace your own.

Success at Work : People Skills : Dealing with New Ideas

Written by Stephen Bucaro

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Success at Work : People Skills : Dealing with New Ideas

By Stephen Bucaro

Re-organizing, re-engineering, re-training, down-sizing, outsourcing, changing-changing-changing. Organizations today think they need to be constantly changing or they will perish. Corporate leaders worship atrepparttar 122976 alter of new ideas whererepparttar 122977 motto is, "Any new idea is a good idea".

Every organization operates based on work-flow and processes. The reasonrepparttar 122978 current processes are in effect is because overrepparttar 122979 years, many different ways of doing things have been tried, andrepparttar 122980 organization adaptedrepparttar 122981 current processes because they work.

There's nothing wrong with new ideas. Business conditions are always changing. New competitors appear, new regulations are enacted, and new technologies become available. The smart organization needs to adjust and innovate. But here'srepparttar 122982 problem - 99 percent of all new ideas don't work.

- If you want to be successful at work, you have to learn how to handle a constant barrage of new ideas andrepparttar 122983 chaotic work environment that results.

New Ideas fromrepparttar 122984 Corporate Board Room

The most destructive new ideas come fromrepparttar 122985 Board Room. A corporate executive has an idea. He knows that 99 percent of new ideas, even his ideas, won't work. He proposesrepparttar 122986 idea in order to receive feedback fromrepparttar 122987 managers. Instead of pointing out flaws inrepparttar 122988 executive's idea, managers heads start bobbing.

No one hasrepparttar 122989 courage to tellrepparttar 122990 executive that his idea won't work. In fact, each manager is thinking to themselves, "I'm going to MAKE his idea work and get some browny points."

There are three reasons why most new ideas fromrepparttar 122991 corporate board room don't work.

1. People atrepparttar 122992 executive level get all their information from "head bobbing" managers. Atrepparttar 122993 executive level, reality is replaced by political fantasy.

2. They produce one-size-fits-all solutions. Most new ideas don't work when they have to accommodaterepparttar 122994 complexity of reality.

3. Rather than taking time to study an idea, managers begin immediate implementation. After all,repparttar 122995 way all those managers heads were bobbing,repparttar 122996 idea must be great.

When your job is affected by an idea passed down from management, DO NOT respond by saying "that won't work". Managers have a built-in filter that convertsrepparttar 122997 phrase "that won't work" to "I have a bad attitude". If you have a reason whyrepparttar 122998 idea won't work, say it this way, "How does that work with (reason whyrepparttar 122999 idea won't work)".

Saying it that way, you have not rejectedrepparttar 123000 idea. In fact, you may have givenrepparttar 123001 manager an opportunity to fix a problem before it arises. If you see a problem with an idea and you provide a solution to that problem, you will be considered a great team player.

New Ideas from Co-workers

If a co-worker approaches you with an idea that varies fromrepparttar 123002 company's policies and procedures, don't respond by approving or disapprovingrepparttar 123003 idea. Say this, "that's an interesting idea. Check withrepparttar 123004 supervisor/manager before doing things that way. Until then, we should followrepparttar 123005 current procedure."

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