Practical Prosperity

Written by Alan Tutt

Practical Prosperity by Alan Tutt bttp://

There are a million ways to make a million dollars. You can take any activity, and someone has made a million doing it. Even torepparttar professional vacationers that send in reports torepparttar 103468 travel agencies, you can make money doing anything! What I hope to share with you in this article is not so much what to do in order to make money and increase your prosperity, but rather how to think about what you like to do and seerepparttar 103469 money-making possibilities within it!

We are never so limited as our imaginations make us. One ofrepparttar 103470 most important topics we work with inrepparttar 103471 Keys To Power - Step by Step course isrepparttar 103472 topic of underlying assumptions. And here is why. If you assume thatrepparttar 103473 only way to make money is to work for someone else, then you will never considerrepparttar 103474 idea of running your own business. And if you assume that there is no way to make money doing what you love to do, then you will lose out because of that assumption.

Underlying assumptions go a lot further in their effects on our lives than with our prosperity, since everything we think we know aboutrepparttar 103475 world is in one way or another a false assumption. For centuries, humanity assumed thatrepparttar 103476 world was flat, or wasrepparttar 103477 center of our solar system andrepparttar 103478 universe. We assumed that speeds over 30 miles an hour would kill us, or that no-one could possibly run a mile in under 4 minutes. All of these assumptions have been proven false, and many more will be proven false once we start to test their true validity.

But back torepparttar 103479 topic of prosperity. Right now, there are many different ways you can make money that you are not even aware of. You have valuable skills, talents, knowledge, or aptitudes that you can use to trade forrepparttar 103480 things you want in life. You've no doubt heardrepparttar 103481 suggestion that you should follow your passion when deciding on a career. Andrepparttar 103482 reasoning for this is that if you are passionate aboutrepparttar 103483 task that you are working on, you will dorepparttar 103484 job better than someone who isn't passionate about it.

While you and I may not be passionate about plumbing, and would not be very good at it because of it, there are many people who findrepparttar 103485 subject absolutely engaging, and do a wonderful job accordingly. Although I'm passionate about photography, and do a very good job at it because of my passion, there are many people who try to make money as a photographer, but cannot make a living at it because they are not passionate about it, andrepparttar 103486 quality of their work shows it.

Most of us have many passions. We are not limited to only one interest in our lives. What then, should we focus on in order to make money. Here is where I hadrepparttar 103487 greatest difficulty. There was one question that I stumbled upon that really solvedrepparttar 103488 problem, however, and that question is: "How can makerepparttar 103489 biggest contribution torepparttar 103490 world?" Another way of phrasing that is "What will you do to leave your mark onrepparttar 103491 world?" or "How will you makerepparttar 103492 world a better place?"

Once I spent some time thinking about that question, I realized that my photography, as profitable as it was, was not going to berepparttar 103493 greatest contribution I could make torepparttar 103494 world. The information I had gathered overrepparttar 103495 years in my (very passionate) study ofrepparttar 103496 human mind, spirituality, andrepparttar 103497 system that has becomerepparttar 103498 Keys To Power, would berepparttar 103499 greatest contribution torepparttar 103500 world that I could make. And now that I've been working on this project for about 7 months, it is already proving to be more profitable than my photography was! Such isrepparttar 103501 Power of making a genuine contribution torepparttar 103502 world!

Now, lets bring out a very important point here that may get missed otherwise. One ofrepparttar 103503 reasons that making a contribution torepparttar 103504 world brings greater prosperity is that contributions are valuable. Value produced equals prosperity received. If you remember this one line, you will always know exactly how to make money.

Many ofrepparttar 103505 people that I usually talk to are a little unsure on exactly what constitutes value, or at leastrepparttar 103506 type of value that can be exchanged for money. Here are some ideas that will increaserepparttar 103507 value of any service or product inrepparttar 103508 eyes ofrepparttar 103509 average consumer.

A pleasant, helpful attitude. "What can I do for you?" "I'd love to do that for you." People have too much to do already.

Smiles and other expressions of joy and happiness. People like to be around happy people.

Behavior that matches that of your customer. People like to be around people like themselves. In this regard, speak just as softly, loudly, fast, or slow asrepparttar 103510 person you're talking to. Sit if they are sitting, and stand if they are standing. Just don't be obvious about this or it will backfire on you.

Attention to details. This is one ofrepparttar 103511 basic definitions of quality. All ofrepparttar 103512 details of your service or product arerepparttar 103513 best they can be. This takes time to master, so it is one way to identify a professional as opposed to an amateur.

Genuine interest and caring for your customer. Too many people are going through life without enough appreciation and acceptance. The person who gives this will be rewarded many times over with extra sales.


Written by Corey Rudl

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