Practical Feng Shui – Debunking the myths and finding out what we can actually learn from the ancients

Written by Joey Lewitin

Title: Practical Feng Shui – Debunkingrepparttar myths and finding out what we can actually learn fromrepparttar 143201 ancients

Author: Joey Lewitin

Subject: decorating

Copyright Joey Lewitin 2005 This article is free to reprint if there are no major alterations made to its content, and ifrepparttar 143202 resource box appears atrepparttar 143203 bottom ofrepparttar 143204 page with a clickable link in it.

Practical Feng Shui – Debunkingrepparttar 143205 myths and finding out what we can actually learn fromrepparttar 143206 ancients

Joey Lewitin

Most ofrepparttar 143207 information that is available concerning Feng Shui is highly over-simplified. It often comes inrepparttar 143208 form of out-of-context eastern principals, mixed in with basic interior design horse sense fromrepparttar 143209 west, to form a hybrid which many professional Feng Shui analysts agree can be as harmful as it is helpful. Feng Shui is more than just choosing certain colors, or “getting rid of clutter”, as many books and articles will have you believe. It is actually an extremely complex system of mathematical formulas that give highly specific advice based onrepparttar 143210 type of home, its layout, and its time of construction. There are no simple answers in Feng Shui, however there is something we can learn fromrepparttar 143211 methodsrepparttar 143212 ancients used to derive these principals.

Real Feng Shui is a system that has been evolving over thousands of years. The concept behind this design form isrepparttar 143213 idea that energy or “chi” flows through everything. Feng Shui is an attempt to maximizerepparttar 143214 flow of positive chi through a space to benefitrepparttar 143215 lives ofrepparttar 143216 people within that setting. Feng Shui is originally based onrepparttar 143217 I Ching, an ancient Chinese text of mystical origins. Overrepparttar 143218 years successive schools of thought have come to dominate this decorative philosophy. As each new movement came to power, they refinedrepparttar 143219 formulas and functions of previous schools. In this ongoing process of refinement, every possible arrangement of objects was tested against numerous people’s emotional and spiritual reaction to them over thousands of years. These reactions allowedrepparttar 143220 ancients to slowly improve their diagrams forrepparttar 143221 placement of objects.

This ancient mathematical formula for laying outrepparttar 143222 design of a setting does seem to be a sound method for improvingrepparttar 143223 quality of a room’s décor. While this may be due torepparttar 143224 ancients having determinedrepparttar 143225 way chi flows, their real accomplishment might instead have been to develop a systemized mathematical representation of a wide scale, long term psychological study. While trying to determinerepparttar 143226 flow of energy, they may have instead determinedrepparttar 143227 basic principals of design that elicit positive responses in humans, by experimentally testing and recording peoples reactions to different object settings.

Real Feng Shui is extraordinarily specific, and complex. The only way to do real Feng Shui is either to become a student of this art, and painstakingly learnrepparttar 143228 many principals and subtleties it requires, or to hire a professional to do an analysis and work over of your home. Either way, use of this design style requires a large sacrifice, and is outsiderepparttar 143229 realm of most people’s time and money budget.

However, Feng Shui does teach us something that is very useful when decorating your home. The ancient thinkers who developed this idea derived it by simply paying attention torepparttar 143230 feeling of objects in different spaces. This is a process that every person has it within their power to do. Everyone has taste, everyone has feelings. By simply getting in touch with your inner critic, you can becomerepparttar 143231 source for your own personal Feng Shui. No matter how specific they were, a Philosopher from a thousand years ago is not going to understandrepparttar 143232 spiritual and emotional nuances of you, your family, and your home as well as you do. By usingrepparttar 143233 strategy rather thanrepparttar 143234 formula of Feng Shui, you can develop a highly personalized design that is a true expression of yourself.

Walk into a room, and see how it makes you feel. Noticerepparttar 143235 colors,repparttar 143236 objects, and their placement. What do they evoke in you? Isrepparttar 143237 room comfortable? Is it calming or invigorating? Maybe there is something wrong inrepparttar 143238 room, even if you can’t tell exactly what it is, register that feeling. If you are attentive, you will start to get sensitive torepparttar 143239 psychological influences that placement and design have on your own mind.

Color Colors have very strong and individual effects on people. Different shades will have radically different results on people’s mental behavior. Dark colors can either be relaxing or depressing, light colors can be uplifting or annoying, and extreme colors can be exhilarating or aggravating. Pay attention to how these colors make you feel. When you visit other peoples homes, or even their shops or offices, pay attention torepparttar 143240 effect that walking into a room has on you. Sometimes you will enter a space and feel naturally relaxed. Other places can have a negative effect, making you feel uncomfortable or agitated for no apparent reason. Rememberrepparttar 143241 colors andrepparttar 143242 shades of these rooms, especially if you have a particularly strong response to one.

Help Choosing Door and Window Hardware.

Written by Ali Arnold

Who would berepparttar best person to help you find suitable fixtures and fittings for doors and windows? Architects are trained to create designs that are structurally sound, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. They also often have a basic knowledge of construction materials, though notrepparttar 142973 detailed knowledge required when choosing appropriate hardware. Interior designers specialize inrepparttar 142974 decorating and furnishing of rooms and can offer fresh, innovative ideas and advice, but will be concentrating onrepparttar 142975 appearance rather than howrepparttar 142976 fittings work. Maybe a blacksmith or metal worker would berepparttar 142977 person to ask.. No, a joiner isrepparttar 142978 best person to give advice.

Joiners understand what is needed, they have made doors and windows and know ho big a hinge would be needed to holdrepparttar 142979 weight of a solid oak door, or which lock would fit properly and safely in rebated french windows.

Advise is needed when ordering and choosing door knobs; perhaps one ofrepparttar 142980 most complex pieces of door hardware to order. When choosing knobs you have to consider so many things,repparttar 142981 knob needs to be far enough away fromrepparttar 142982 door so that you don’t scrape your knuckles, seems obvious, but many people don’t think about it until too late. A knob may not be a possibility if there is already a hole in your door that is too close torepparttar 142983 edge. Knobs are sprung in different ways too; heavier knobs have stronger springing, lighter ones lighter springing. The weight of springing must matchrepparttar 142984 weight of springing onrepparttar 142985 latch or lock you intend to use onrepparttar 142986 door, ifrepparttar 142987 knob and lever are ill matchedrepparttar 142988 knob will either be too hard to turn or won’t spring back.

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