Powerful Tips to Improve Communication with Your Boss

Written by Marla Platt, BA, MBA

One ofrepparttar loudest, longest complaints that folks have concerning their work often focuses around their relationship with their boss. After years -- why even decades -- pass by andrepparttar 104994 details ofrepparttar 104995 everyday aspects ofrepparttar 104996 job are a neutral memory, people will dwell overrepparttar 104997 man or woman at “the top” whose primary job was (or so it seemed) to make their day plain miserable. “The work itself wasn’t so bad,” they might say, “butrepparttar 104998 way he barked at us allrepparttar 104999 time was.” Or perhaps, “No matter what I did, I could never get recognized for a job well done. No wonder I worked there for five years and was not once seriously considered for a promotion.”

If feeling invaluable aken-for-granted at worst and feeling invisible at best is your daily bread, then take a look atrepparttar 105000 following suggestions for improving communication with your manager – you may even want to try them with your co-workers:

1. Find some shared social time. I don’t mean at company picnics or breakfast meetings, but rather at some time and place at your suggestion where you andrepparttar 105001 boss can interact off-premise. This can be as simple as going for a sandwich at lunch or a drink after work – any opportunity for kicking back and connecting human being to human being.

2. Small talk. One ofrepparttar 105002 best “boss talkers” I ever knew was a woman who knew how to find out what her boss liked to do in his spare time – and that was taking care of his home. They were able to build a friendly, collegial relationship around discussions ofrepparttar 105003 best local hardware store and how to deal with crabgrass. I think that she even gotrepparttar 105004 boss to call her husband for tips!

3. Keep your boss updated. Another successful woman I knew was especially good at keeping her boss up-to-speed on what she was working on and how her projects were coming along. Not only did this come across as highly professional because it was proactive, but it served to make this woman look even more productive because her boss was able to clearly see what she was working on and all ofrepparttar 105005 details that went into creating a quality finished product. For her,repparttar 105006 extra time spent on updates and communication was an investment in her image and paid off later with advancement inrepparttar 105007 organization.

Vacation Every Weekend!

Written by Pat Redmond

What else can you do with your airplane? The SERIOUS flyer has a plan that includes business AND pleasure! With proper planning, you'll purchaserepparttar airplane that will do both for you.

So how do people use their airplanes?


Many people spend 3-5 hours on Friday driving to their summer "get-away" and then turn around and do it again on Sunday! Sure,repparttar 104993 drive is worth it when you can enjoy your "up-north" retreat, but imagine how much easier it would be if you flew up in 1 hour. They include:

1. Leavingrepparttar 104994 family up north and commuting torepparttar 104995 cabin mid-week.

2. Being able to fly home for a Saturday soccer game with one ofrepparttar 104996 kids and get back torepparttar 104997 cabin.

3. Usingrepparttar 104998 cabin every weekend ofrepparttar 104999 summer even if you have a conflict on just one day. The whole weekend is not shot.

4. 5 extra hours each weekend to relax at your retreat accumulate to 50 hours over a 10 week summer. That's a full work week!


Most of us fromrepparttar 105000 Midwest either have a winter place inrepparttar 105001 south, vacation torepparttar 105002 south, or hope to own a place inrepparttar 105003 south someday. Your airplane will get you down there in aboutrepparttar 105004 same time asrepparttar 105005 airlines with their layovers and security checks.

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