Powerful Lessons From A $20 Bill

Written by Catherine Franz

By Catherine Franz

Just last week I was speaking to a group of 50 women and men. I opened by holding up a $20 and asking who would like this $20 bill. I also mentioned there were no strings attached. You would have thought that everyone would be raising their hand wantingrepparttar $20 bill.

That isn't what happened. Less than halfrepparttar 136974 people raised their hand.

I gaverepparttar 136975 $20 bill away and stood in silence. It wasn't a long silence but silence when everyone expects to be hearing you talk is long whether its 10 seconds of several minutes. I was waiting until I saw a few audience members began fidgeting.

Then one women spoke up. ˇ°Darn, I could have used that $20 for gas today.ˇ± You guessed it, she was one ofrepparttar 136976 hesitant ones.

My topic was on marketing. The exercise demonstrated that even when we market fromrepparttar 136977 truth with no strings attached and even though we totally think ofrepparttar 136978 customer first, many people perceive, assume, that there is going to be a catch torepparttar 136979 offer.

This is a powerful lesson when you are expressing your offer, whether its written or verbal,repparttar 136980 majority ofrepparttar 136981 people reading or hearing it are going to be thinking with an ˇ°it's too good to be trueˇ± mentality.

This means that whenever you are preparing any type of marketing material you need to see your offer from this perspective.

The following day I again spoke to another group. This timerepparttar 136982 audience was all women. I opened again with another $20. Only this time when I mentioned that there were no strings attached, I said it more powerfully - meaning more vocal variety - repeated it as if it was written in bold print and stated there were absolutely no strings attached. The word ˇ°absolutelyˇ± was set off with a mild hand slap.

Freelance Copywriting Advice #1: Take the Scary Jobs

Written by Nick Usborne

From time to time you will be faced with an opportunity that looks downright scary.

The temptation is to think, "Hey, that's way outside my level of expertise. I'm not ready for that."

My advice to you is this: Do it.

When you are faced with opportunities that are larger, more challenging and ultimately 'scary', that's when you learn fastest, stretch yourselfrepparttar most and build your inner confidence as a copywriter.

Let me give you a couple of related examples.

Within my first two months as a direct marketing copywriter I was presented withrepparttar 136499 opportunity to write a mailing for Franklin Mint.

As some of you may know, Franklin Mint is a very, very sophisticated company when it comes to direct marketing. I seriously wondered whether I might end up looking like an idiot, wasting my time and theirs.

But I took onrepparttar 136500 job. Scary, yes. But it worked out fine. I learned a great deal and continued to do work for them.

Here's another, related example.

In early 1998 a friend of mine was invited to speak to a few hundred people at a conference about marketing online. He got cold feet and asked me to speak in his place. The problem was, I had only a week to prepare my talk.

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