Power at your Fingertips

Written by Nicholas Dixon

It is just amazing.Power right at your fingertips.It feels good to have access to such a powerful thing.

In one click you can make thousands feelrepparttar power you possess in hand.What am I talking about ? You guess it . The power of Internet Marketing.

Sincerepparttar 118814 first day I started , I was astounded atrepparttar 118815 potential power at my fingertips.The Internet has provided us with a means of communication unparelleled.What you do with that power is essential to your success.

Many will use such power to obtain wealth and fame by unscrupulous means.They arerepparttar 118816 ones who will fade away faster than spit on a Arizona road.

The thrivers are those who have a vision other than just making money.They make people lives better.You have to give to receive.It is one of Nature's laws.I learned thatrepparttar 118817 hard way.

Our dreams and aspirations can all be achieve.But before that comes we all need to work on our attitudes and mindset.

Ask any ofrepparttar 118818 'gurus' and they will tell you it is essential for success.And rememberrepparttar 118819 Golden Rule : Give to Receive.You will not regret it.

You have amazing power at your disposal.What you use it to do depends on you.Question yourself seriously.Only you would know.

To your success and mine....... ,


© Nicholas Dixon

It is just amazing.Power right at your fingertips.It feels good to have access to such a powerful thing.

Crunch Time

Written by Nicholas Dixon

Jamaica.And it is crunch time for online marketers.This country is a hell of a place to be in if you are an online marketer.Even having access torepparttar Internet is beyond most of us.

Living in a "Third World" country is very challenging for an online marketer.Survival isrepparttar 118813 order ofrepparttar 118814 day for a lot of us.There are some who actually rise aboverepparttar 118815 whirl of surviving and are thriving though.

Out here inrepparttar 118816 "Third World", we do not enjoy most ofrepparttar 118817 amenities as that ofrepparttar 118818 developed world.Owning a computer here is a privilege; making a career with it is anybody's right though.Becoming successful online is like taking a hike up Mt. Everest with allrepparttar 118819 strings attached.

So what does a guy do ? Give up. Imagine all that hard work going downrepparttar 118820 drain.Or fight on .The load may be heavy at times but time normally easesrepparttar 118821 pressure.But only if you stick to your business at hand.

There are some of us who have our names and businesses out there.Slowly but surely we are turning a profit.Whether it is money earned or in terms of experience gained.Success cannot be measured only byrepparttar 118822 money you make.But rather byrepparttar 118823 strides you have made.

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