Power Personified – With Massive Arms

Written by Aron Wallad

Power Personified – With Massive Arms

Remember when you were in High School. So many characters and personalities. Here’s one I think you’ll relate to.

Gillie wasrepparttar Paul Bunyon of my neighborhood. He had 20-22 biceps, and a neck almost as round. Weighing 220 pounds, he stood six feet one inch and had no fat on his body. I had never seen any one like him in my life. He ambled when he walked. The kind of walk someone has when they know they have nothing to fear. His nickname was Mr Clean. He looked a lot likerepparttar 134845 cleaning icon. Except Gillie had no earring.

Onrepparttar 134846 baseball diamond, Gillie was awesome. His fungo shots torepparttar 134847 outfielders in pre game warm-ups touched parts ofrepparttar 134848 sky usually reserved for small engine planes. He scaredrepparttar 134849 other team. He looked like Mickey Mantle, Harmon Killabrew and Ted Kluzewski all rolled into one.

Why I'd Rather Be A Slugger

Written by Aron Wallad

Why I'd Rather Be A Slugger

Duringrepparttar last NLCS, I asked Brandon Backe ofrepparttar 134844 Astros whatrepparttar 134845 hardest thing was for him in makingrepparttar 134846 conversion from outfielder to pitcher inrepparttar 134847 minors. He said it was "not playing every day." That is why I would rather be a slugger, to answer your question. I'd want my mind and body to be in every inning of every game. I wouldn't want to be one elbow injury away from a possible end of my career or a lost year. I listened to Nolan Ryan talk atrepparttar 134848 last All-Star FanFest in Houston about how he would have to "rebuild" his body from one start torepparttar 134849 next, an incredibly arduous process thatrepparttar 134850 great pitchers know and few fans realize. Ryan would be onrepparttar 134851 bike immediately after each start, and he said his physical strength would go down to about 50 percent a day or two after each start, and then his mission was to get it back up to 100 percent byrepparttar 134852 next start. Asrepparttar 134853 slugger you mentioned, I'd love to be in that zone of hitting inrepparttar 134854 cages every day and be able to "slow down" every pitch like Manny Ramirez and Albert Pujols do so incredibly well.

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