Potholes on the road to succcess

Written by Nicholas Dixon

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Howdy folks , today I would like to speak to you aboutrepparttar 123556 journey to success.Potholes on that road to be more exact.Success isrepparttar 123557 one thing that everyone aspires to attain in life.But for many it has been very elusive , leaving them to believe it is a matter of luck or a gift.Success can be achieved by all , but knowing how to achieve it puzzles many.Here are a few potholes on your journey :

(1)People : During your journey , people's opinions will have a positive or negative impact on you.Some may say your dreams are not worth trying for , or may want to discourage you.Others will support and believe in your endeavors.The choice of which you will pay attention belongs to you.

(2)Time : Time can be your friend or something that make your dreams slip away.It is important to use your work time positively , creatively and consistently to achieve success.Don't waste your time doing too much things that don't produce results.To get where you want to go , you need to practice efficient time management skills.

How To Motivate Yourself For Success?

Written by Abel Cheng

I was having coffee with my friendrepparttar other day. He just joined a multi-level marketing company. The company sells aromatherapy products that improve air quality and help people to have a healthier life.

My friend had testedrepparttar 123555 products himself and he is very convinced withrepparttar 123556 effectiveness ofrepparttar 123557 products.

But my friend told me, "I have problem motivating myself."

"The products are excellent. The rewards system is good. There are a lot of success stories from those who have made it torepparttar 123558 top. But I can't keep myself going." My friend confided.

Have you felt this before?

This is a common problem that happens to everyone. We all have plans to achieve success in life. But what is lacking isrepparttar 123559 motivation that keeps us going to convert plans into action.

Usually, you feel very 'excited' atrepparttar 123560 beginning when doing something new forrepparttar 123561 first time. But after a while, somehow you feel that you lack passion and motivation. The excitement that you had inrepparttar 123562 first few days just disappeared for no reason.

I hadrepparttar 123563 similar problem. But I did not letrepparttar 123564 problem of motivation stop me from achieving my goals.

Here arerepparttar 123565 ways that I use that can effectively curbrepparttar 123566 problem of motivation. I use one or more of these techniques.

1. READ A BOOK. Just grab a book and read; especially an inspirational book or a book of success stories. By reading these books, you not only learn from others butrepparttar 123567 story will motivate you to move ahead with your plans. It also makes you re-focus your energy on your goals rather than focusing your energy onrepparttar 123568 problems at hand. I especially like books written by Mark Victor Hansen.

2. THINK OF PURPOSE OF WHAT YOU DO. If you don't feel motivated, think of why you want to achieve what you want. That isrepparttar 123569 purpose of doing what you are doing. Your purpose could be to improverepparttar 123570 life of others, or help people to do things more efficiently, or to help people to make more money. Thinking of your purpose is an important way to motivate you.

3. TALK TO A SUPPORTIVE FRIEND. Talking to a supportive friend would be able to overcomerepparttar 123571 problem of lacking motivation. You can also talk to your business partners regarding this. Find someone that you are comfortable with and share your problems with him. After sharing your problems, you will feel re-charged and re-energized.

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