Postcards Work

Written by Steve Conn

What'srepparttar fastest, simplest and cheapest way to promote just about any business?

The answer is postcards sent by direct mail. You can get your message to a targeted group of prospects or to your existing customers for a cost of about 25 to 30 cents each including postage. You can actually send someone a postcard every 30 days for only $3 a year. Postcards Work.

You can generate leads, create sales, ask prospects to give you a try or convince existing customers to buy more or buy more often. Postcards Work. What arerepparttar 119794 2 biggest secrets of marketing with postcards?

1.Regular, repeated mailings arerepparttar 119795 way to create big predictable results. When you mail every 30 days for a year you will cause a dramatic growth in your business. People respond to repetition. If you are a parent you know how hard it is to refuse repeated requests for a cookie or a desperately wanted toy. If you are not a parent, I'm sure you remember asking, even begging for a toy, treat or permission to stay up past your bedtime until your parents finally gave in. Your customers and prospective customers are similar. They need to be asked repeatedly too. Postcards Work. 2.There are really only 4 reasons people don't buy your products and services. Look at your own buying behavior and see for yourself if you believe me when I tell you these 4 apply to you too. a) No need.

When people don't buy from you, it's because they don't want what you are offering. They may need what you are offering and not know or acknowledge that need, butrepparttar 119796 bottom line is they don't want it. Save lots of time, effort and money by targeting your postcard mailings to groups of people who have demonstrated they want your product or service or one's similar to yours and then mail to them. Follow at least this one piece of advice and become more profitable immediately.

Examples of those who have demonstrated they want your products and services are:

1.your own customers, 2.your competitor's customers and

3.people who have bought products and services which your products and services supplement or complement.

Target your marketing. Promote your business exclusively to people likely to have a strong desire forrepparttar 119797 benefits provided by your product or service.

Postcards Work.

b) No money.

Businesses and consumers don't usually avoid purchases because they don't have or can't getrepparttar 119798 money necessary to purchase. They usually don't buy because they decide buying something else is more important to them (like food).

You can get them to buy from you by making it clear to them that buying your product or service will get rid of something they don't want or will get them something they do want or will get them more of something they already have that they like having. It is your job to get your people and businesses to see that your products and services give or get them what they really want. Consumers and businesses rarely avoid buying something because they don't have (or can't get)repparttar 119799 money needed to makerepparttar 119800 purchase. They avoid buying what you offer because they place a higher priority on spending money for something else. What isrepparttar 119801 most nagging problem you can solve for prospects in your targeted market? Make it real to them how they'll feel when your product or service eliminates that problem. Use postcards to communicate how they can get their problem solved.

More Marketing Dope

Written by Joy Gendusa

Direct marketing can make you very successful, but you’ve got to understandrepparttar basics. Here are some more gems ofrepparttar 119793 industry that can take you from being a diamond inrepparttar 119794 rough torepparttar 119795 luminous bling-bling.

When advertising your product or service, honesty is not onlyrepparttar 119796 legal and ethical path, but alsorepparttar 119797 path torepparttar 119798 highest amount of repeat business.

Many times companies fall intorepparttar 119799 trap of trying to "lure" customers in to their store. They make claims that are technically true but are worded in a way that make them sound better than they actually are. The company may not be consciously trying to deceive their customer, but nonerepparttar 119800 less if exactly what is advertised is not deliveredrepparttar 119801 customer will feel deceived. This customer is not likely to do business with this company no matter what their advertising offers inrepparttar 119802 future. Listrepparttar 119803 benefits of your product factually and deliver what is promised and your customers will keep coming back.

When advertising, it is best to outlinerepparttar 119804 benefits of your product or service. Simply namingrepparttar 119805 features that it has may not show what it can actually do for your customer.

Example: A car company releases a new model of car that features "new indestructible porcelain brakes". This fact is touted in all of their commercials butrepparttar 119806 cars aren’t flying offrepparttar 119807 lot. It is very likely thatrepparttar 119808 customers in their target market, mostly families that are concerned about safety, have no idea what difference these brakes make inrepparttar 119809 performance ofrepparttar 119810 vehicle. If they had instead advertisedrepparttar 119811 benefit thatrepparttar 119812 car is "equipped with brakes that can stop your car three times faster" it would have givenrepparttar 119813 customer a compelling reason to be interested.

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