Postcard Marketing – Low Cost Visibility

Written by Claire Cunningham

You need to be visible to attract customers, right? But how do you get that visibility when you’re short on cash? Here’s an idea that’s worked for many businesses. It’s postcard marketing, and it’s very affordable.

You can design your own postcards or hire a designer. Printrepparttar cards on 67# card stock to meet USPS requirements. Two or four cards will fit on an 8 ½” x 11” sheet so you’ll have to use a paper cutter. Postage is just $.23 a card.

Here are some ways to use postcards:

1) REFERRALS - Send postcards regularly to your best contacts asking for referrals.

2) ANNOUNCE EVENTS – Send postcards to let folks know about events like classes, seminars, sales, open houses, etc.

3) PROSPECTING – Send a series of postcard mailings to identified prospects to “soften them up” before you phone them.

4) BUILD WEBSITE TRAFFIC – Use postcard mailings to tell people your site is there and when you make significant additions.

5) GROW YOUR NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBER LIST – Postcard mailings can publicize your newsletter to new audiences.

Linknet Radio is "On the Air"

Written by Rick Hendershot

by Rick Hendershot,

originally published in e_Marketing --repparttar Blog

After much preperation and experimentation, I finally got Linknet Radio up and running a couple of weeks ago. This is my much anticipated Flash Alternative for Online Media. It uses a very simple implementation ofrepparttar 120019 Wimpy Player --repparttar 120020 one you can see at Power Linking with Linknet and Business Blogs) usingrepparttar 120021 Wimpy "playlist" capabilities. I know there are alternative players out there — and eventually I hope to try them out — but the Wimpy Player is easy to get up and running, doesn't require any Flash experience, and it WORKS!

Here's what I wanted to do...

I wanted to take articles I had written for various websites, record talking article versions of them, and then string them together into "programs", as you can see if you followrepparttar 120022 links above.. I also wanted to be able to mix in recorded ads for various products, short music clips, and so on.

And most importantly, I wantedrepparttar 120023 flexibility to combine various articles into different playlists for different websites, programs, instructional courses, talking ebooks -- a whole range of applications.

For instance, I have websites about Internet Marketing, Online Video, Golf Travel, Trade Show Displays, Vinyl Banners, Real Estate, Online Training and more. Articles that are relevant to my Real Estate sites are probably NOT relevant to my Golf sites, and vice versa.

The Wimpy Player lets me do all this. I just record my articles, and turn them into 56k mp3s. Then I upload them all torepparttar 120024 same location onrepparttar 120025 same website. So I have just one folder containing all my mp3s, regardless of subject matter, and regardless of where they are going to be accessed.

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