Postcard Marketing Your Small Business

Written by Eileen 'Turtle' Parzek

Postcard Marketing Your Small Business

One ofrepparttar best marketing strategies a business or organization can use is postcards. Even beforerepparttar 120766 arrival of online postcard printing and mailing services, postcards had a good reputation amongst guerilla marketers because:

*They are fast, easy and relatively cheap - making them a boon to small business owners who are short on cash and time, yet need to build their brand and stay in front of their customers. *A beautiful, full color glossy postcard is not going inrepparttar 120767 trash without first being read. *You can add a personal note. Plus, postcards create a pleasant emotional response because they are usually received by friends and family. *When you advertise your business anywhere else, your competition knows it. But when you use postcards to communicate with your customers, it is direct to them and your competition will have no idea.

Withrepparttar 120768 new web technologies for postcards, it's super- convenient to just send one or as many as you need without repparttar 120769 effort of hand writing, addressing and mailing each one.

What is particularly nice about postcards is that nearly any business or organization can benefit from a structured, targeted postcard marketing strategy. Take a look at some of repparttar 120770 ways postcards can be used.

Thank you notes. You can send a quick thank you to anyone for any reason and they will be so surprised and pleased that you tookrepparttar 120771 time. If someone sends you a referral or business lead, gives you some information you needed, mentions you in an article - send them a note that shows you appreciate it!

A follow-up offer or service. Within 30 days after a purchase of a product or completion of a service, send them a discounted offer for a related service or product. Don't missrepparttar 120772 opportunity for an after-sale contact.

Gift certificates or coupons. Show your best customers that you appreciate them by sending a gift certificate that they can use any time inrepparttar 120773 next year. Even better, leave a space on it for them to fill out a friend or colleagues name and give it to someone else to introduce them to your business.

Announce a new project or completed work. Postcards are perfect for photographers, web designers, architects, graphic artists, or anyone else who wants to keep their clients inrepparttar 120774 loop on what they are working on, with something visual and tangible.

Is There a Spy in Your Computer?

Written by Maria Marsala, Business Growth Specialist

You may have inadvertently invited a spy into your computer. There you are, shopping on line and little did you know it you caught a spy or two.

The spy is known by a few names "spyware, adware, trojans". Whatever it’s called, what it does, once it's in your computer, is start taking statistical information as you travelrepparttar Internet. It may also send you pop-up ads and slow down your computer., echnology/0,1282,49960,00.html, mentioned it "could even collect your credit card information". According to “OptOut”,, one spyware program attacks your e-mail signature file.

How did you inviterepparttar 120765 spy?

Maybe you've gone to a website you knew and enjoyed only to find that it was purposefully purchased by a pornography site. The new company may have imbedded "spyware" or "adware" into that new home page and now, in many cases without your knowledge, it's on your computer, too.

Maybe you've downloaded a free or paid program and as part ofrepparttar 120766 package you were provided with an added bonus – a spyware program.

Maybe you agreed to it! You could have downloaded a program and checkedrepparttar 120767 box that allows that program to take statistics from you "for their own use".

What you can do?

A firewall program should let you know when you're on a website and a program is about to download. Noterepparttar 120768 word "should".

Or you can learn all about spyware, download an anti-spyware program, and schedule time in your weekly calendar to runrepparttar 120769 program. What I originally found on my 18-month-old computer were: 2 porn and 42 other spyware programs. A week later, I had 4 new spyware programs appear.

To further reducerepparttar 120770 amount of spam that ends up in your e-mail, create a "rule" or "filter” that will take any e-mail containing "certain adult words of your choosing” and send those e-mails directly to your delete or spam folder.

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