The Man In The Looking Glass "When you get what you want in your struggle for self and world makes you king for a day Then go to a mirror and look at yourself and see what your face has to say for it isn't your father, or mother or wife who judgement upon you must pass one who means most in your life everyday is face looking back from glass you may follow whole world down pathway of life and get pats on your back as you pass but your final reward will be heartache and tears if you've cheated man in glass."
Every successful person knows vital role that their self- image, or picture they hold of themselves, plays in their success. This snapshot is probably most important single factor, which will determine how successful you will be in life - it is your destiny. I firmly believe that holding a poor self-image short-circuits a person's chances of success.
Your self-image is what you feel about yourself at deepest level. It is your truth - because you subconsciously believe it about yourself. One's self image (especially with sensitive people) is a very fragile thing. It can be severely damaged by loss of job, separation, divorce, mental breakdown or other trauma. Once broken it has to be slowly rebuilt, brick by brick, which sometimes can take a number of years before person becomes their old self once again.
The people closest to you have a significant impact on ones self-image. If they don't believe in you, it makes it very hard to move forward in your life.
How you see yourself personally and professionally also determines level of your own motivation. A positive self-image means that your sub-conscious mind can be controlled by eliminating negative thoughts and attitudes. Your subconscious mind determines your ATTITUDE to events and experiences. It is not what happens to you that is important - it is HOW you react to events: The "90% - 10% rule"!
"I am upset not by events, but rather by way I view them."
Holding a good self image means seeing yourself as a unique and significant person - one who has a meaningful part to play in world. You then add greater MEANING and PURPOSE to your life.
If you have a strong inner belief in yourself and your values, you can change your behaviour subjectively by changing your attitudes of mind or your inner beliefs. This is what is known as "self talk". For example: You can turn a negative attitude about your weaknesses to a positive one regarding your strengths. Don't get bogged down with circumstances. The 'loser' with a negative self image often blames others for their adverse circumstances in life and usually suffers from feelings of depression. This negative self image then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as failure follows failure in their life. So that a "cycle of despair" sets in. Very hard to break out!
On other hand, person with a good self image EXPECTS to live up to their expectations and achieve success, which is what usually happens. If you feel good about yourself, brain sends out positive messages to your body (as seen in one's body language); so that you can act confidently and give off positive "vibes". This in turn develops confidence, which makes you feel more positive about "having a go" at something you would not normally tackle.