Positive Mental Attitude

Written by A.M.Sall

Look at this glass onrepparttar table in front of you. Is it half-full or is it half-empty?

Now, do you realize that it is entirely for you to decide whatrepparttar 129041 answer to this question is going to be.

The choice is yours.

So,repparttar 129042 very same reality can be seen in totally opposite ways: in a positive way, and in a negative way.

And there is always a positive side to any thing, any situation, any event, any person.

Look atrepparttar 129043 world in a different way. Try to find out that positive side. At first, you might literally have to dig it out, but after some time, it automatically appears to you. In fact, you eventually only seerepparttar 129044 good side.

Everything is beautiful, "everybody's beautiful, in their own way", asrepparttar 129045 song goes.

So we invite you to try our 3-step positive mental attitude formula. In any situation, however apparently bad:

1. Keep cool and coolly examinerepparttar 129046 situation. Turn it upside down, inside out, downside up and outside in.

2. Suddenly you realize it could have been worse. Find out how and why it could have been worse.

3. Finally,repparttar 129047 good side of it will just appear to you. This can happen gradually or in a flash. It all depends on parts 1 and 2.

Be Self-centric - Work Harder on Yourself than on Anything Else!

Written by A.M.Sall

You look at this magnificent car and you say to yourself: "This is too expensive!" This is a huge mistake,repparttar most self-defeating mistake you could ever make.

Instead of saying: "This is too expensive", say :" I can't afford it, at least forrepparttar 129039 time being"

And work toward being able to afford it, that is, change yourself, put yourself in a position where you can afford it, or any thing you want, for that matter. A position where you will no longer find it "expensive".

Your reasoning should always be: " What can I do about it?" (so that I'll no longer "find" it expensive.) You see, things just "happen" inrepparttar 129040 same way, to everyone.

The only important thing is how you "perceive" them and what you do about them.

For example, if you had $ 1 billion you probably would not find this very same car "expensive".

Once you realize that reality depends on perception, all you have to do is change your perception, i.e.repparttar 129041 way you "see" things.

Realize that you actually arerepparttar 129042 center and creator of your reality.

Ultimately, we are all "self-made", but often, we don't even know it!

The way you seerepparttar 129043 world depends on a "program" that was installed in your brain by education, culture, environment, in general.

The vast majority of us just follow this initial programming, and stumble through life like pre-programmed robots.

But when we reach awareness, we can reprogram ourselves and enjoyrepparttar 129044 whole process, too!.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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