Poker Scalping

Written by Darren Power

I?m not sure if Poker Scalping is a recognised term for what I?m about to explain, but for me it sums up a strategy used by a lot of professional gamblers.

That strategy in a nutshell is that of preying on new and vulnerable poker players in order to win consistent hourly wages from playing poker.

Every day thousands of bad poker plays go online atrepparttar nets largest poker site and play badly and lose their money. That money is won not just by good poker players but also by poker players who play systematically. That is they play tight they know their odds and they play business like.

These professional players are winning and winning big with some making regular six figure salaries year in and year out.

There is an unlimited supply of bad players to win from and more are added daily. All you have to do is to have a strategy and some tools.

Now maybe "preying on new players" is strong language, but what you have to keep in mind is that these players will lose to somebody and that while they are losing they are getting an education. And to be honest if you dive in to a financial transaction without any real knowledge of what you're doing, other than what you have seen on TV then you have to expect to pay for your education.

There are an unlimited number of players and more come online everyday andrepparttar 132922 added bonus is that nobody cares if you are winning. No casino heavy looking over your shoulder, no bookmaker cutting your bets. The casino takes a rake from everything you win and all they care about is that you play, they want you playing at their tables.


Written by rebook srs

Roulette is an extremely simple game. A wheel with numbered pockets mounted insiderepparttar sunken dish, is spun. Thenrepparttar 132921 croupier [Dealer] places a small white ball into a groove aroundrepparttar 132922 rim ofrepparttar 132923 dish and spins it inrepparttar 132924 opposite direction torepparttar 132925 spin ofrepparttar 132926 wheel. Gravity eventually causesrepparttar 132927 ball to fall ontorepparttar 132928 spinning wheel, where it bounces around until it comes to rest in one ofrepparttar 132929 numbered pockets. Winning, and losing, depends on whererepparttar 132930 ball lands and which bets players had laid prior torepparttar 132931 spin. Each spin ofrepparttar 132932 wheel is a new game.


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