Poker Lessons at the Table

Written by Keith Freeman

I'm sure you've all seen it,repparttar fair to average player who can't help himself, and just has to jump in and tell a bad player what he is doing wrong. A few common quotes:

"You went in with that trash hand? Thats horrible! What does it take for you to start? 72o?"


"Do you even have a clue what you're doing"?

worse still, in 7 stud:

"Are you blind? Look at his porch!!"

Now, you tell me, who isrepparttar 116155 bigger fool? The fish playingrepparttar 116156 only way he knows how, orrepparttar 116157 table coach who is trying his best to either runrepparttar 116158 guy off or worse yet, actually make him think about how he plays?

In this information age, one can learn how to play poker quite well in a very short time by either browsing strategy articles and web sites, or buying a good poker strategy book. Being a webmaster at a poker strategy site, I tend to enjoy teaching people who show initiative and desire to learn,repparttar 116159 basics of poker strategy.

Digital camera disc formats

Written by Jakob Jelling

By Jakob Jelling

As it is a fact that digital cameras are comprised of miniature computers that have storage discs for retrievingrepparttar images as digital information, so a certain amount of knowledge is necessary regardingrepparttar 116154 digital camera disc formats. A proper understanding ofrepparttar 116155 disc formats ofrepparttar 116156 digital camera memory can helprepparttar 116157 photographer or user make efficient use ofrepparttar 116158 device in a correct and useful fashion. This discussion is aimed at revealing these little details!

At present in amongrepparttar 116159 common users of digital cameras there are two main types of storage medium available nowadays. Some cameras use 1.44-MB floppy disks, which are available almost everywhere inrepparttar 116160 present market trends, and some digital cameras use assorted forms of flash memory having a range of capacities covering from several megabytes to a gigabyte. The difference lies between these two types of disc formats in their capacity. Floppy disks have a fixed memory capacity that cannot be altered, andrepparttar 116161 flash memory devices have capacities that keep increasing everyday. This is a kind of boon because ofrepparttar 116162 fact that picture-sizes are also increasing constantly withrepparttar 116163 invention of higher resolution cameras that become available inrepparttar 116164 markets with daily technical advancements.

The major andrepparttar 116165 most popular file format available for digital cameras are TIFF and JPEG formats respectively. Looking in a little detail into these two formats,repparttar 116166 TIFF format is an uncompressed format without any alteration of image sizes and JPEG is a compressed format that does alterrepparttar 116167 image size for economic use of memory for storage. Certainly, from common sense, majority ofrepparttar 116168 digital cameras userepparttar 116169 JPEG file format for storing images and photographs, and they even offer quality settings such as medium or high and accordinglyrepparttar 116170 size is altered thus providing both memory management as well as quality management ofrepparttar 116171 pictures.

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