Poetry + Advertising = Are You Kidding?

Written by eRix

Using Your Own Poetry to Advertise – Friday, August 27, 2004

Have you ever written a poem for somebody before?

Have you ever written a catchy saying on someone’s birthday or anniversary card?

Have you ever written a love letter to someone?

Simple, catchy poems or sayings are very easy to create and an even better way to promote a website. Poetry websites or web rings are plentiful and give you a way to publish your poems and sayings, most ofrepparttar time for free.

Within signing up forrepparttar 100756 rights to upload and publish your work, you can give contact information that serves as a type of media that draws attention toward your email or website URL. Most ofrepparttar 100757 time this information is placed with your poem or saying so that people who viewrepparttar 100758 work will learn something aboutrepparttar 100759 author, yourepparttar 100760 website owner. On a poetry website, you are stuck withrepparttar 100761 hopes that someone will accidentally find your poem, read your biography, and then go to your website.

This works periodically, but periodically is not what webmasters are after; webmasters want instant traffic from whatever effort is put out. If you post advertisements, you want a reaction from it—some do not care ifrepparttar 100762 reaction is bad or good, they want any kind of reaction fromrepparttar 100763 work. This is what is commonly known as branding your product or service.

An easier way to brand your website is to join a poetry web ring that has a lot of members because when you post your poem or saying, usually, your entry is sent in email to a majority ofrepparttar 100764 people insiderepparttar 100765 ring. It is like sending a mini-email campaign because atrepparttar 100766 end of every poem or saying you can putrepparttar 100767 vital information of your web site. I like to put my website’s whole address for a person to cut-and-paste into an address bar in caserepparttar 100768 address is not an active hyper-link.

A few things to keep in mind before you try this is to only post one poem or saying a day because people inrepparttar 100769 ring might consider you as trying to spam all ofrepparttar 100770 members andrepparttar 100771 moderator may reject your work or even kick you out ofrepparttar 100772 ring, so be careful. Another good fact to know is that most ofrepparttar 100773 poetry sites do not want poems or sayings longer than 20 lines; therefore, you can format all of your work into this limited number of lines and know exactlyrepparttar 100774 amount of text you should have. Having a 20 line limit is also good forrepparttar 100775 writer because you can learn to focus your intended message in a short format.

Localized Advertising – Door-to-Door Ad Distribution on the Fly!

Written by eRix

Have you ever had to distribute door-hanger advertisements for your business?

Have you ever employed door-to-door sales techniques to increase your brand awareness?

Have you ever had to walk mile-after-mile repeatingrepparttar sales pitch, over and over?

Have you ever had to stand outside of an arena event and pass out flyers to exiting patrons?

If you stop to think ofrepparttar 100755 cold calling technique of door-to door advertising, you would discover how sometimes humiliating it is to have a disinterested and irritated individual slamrepparttar 100756 door in your face, yell insulting things toward you, or be escorted off of their property. To combat this instantaneous humiliation,repparttar 100757 idea of door-hanging advertisements givesrepparttar 100758 sales person a means of gettingrepparttar 100759 word out to more people faster than before but more importantly, it savesrepparttar 100760 personrepparttar 100761 anguish ofrepparttar 100762 advertised becoming irate overrepparttar 100763 interruption. Having been in situations were I have used these techniques either selling for other companies or trying to gain customers for a newly opened business, I came up withrepparttar 100764 idea of trying a door-to- driveway or door-to-doorstep advertising campaign to build brand awareness for a national car sales corporation that needed grass roots advertising forrepparttar 100765 local area around their dealerships.

Basically, I was a car salesman that was responsible for bringing in customers to buy cars, and my pay was determined by how many people actually came in and bought. Since I have leg injuries from an auto accident, I needed to find a way to coverrepparttar 100766 same amount of territory as my competing sales people. The company already supplied a few thousand door hangers; however,repparttar 100767 advertisement brought awareness to all ofrepparttar 100768 local 11 dealerships and I wanted to build awareness just torepparttar 100769 dealership that I was at, and more specifically, I wantedrepparttar 100770 traffic created to come specifically to me.

Keeping in mindrepparttar 100771 flyer campaign I was apart of at a professional basketball game in whichrepparttar 100772 sales team handed out 7,000 flyers to build awareness of a local college basketball season, I designed a half-page flyer text advertisement—therefore, two ads can be printed on every page—that put emphasis on my name, my contact information, and schedule. You can substitute any advertising design on this half-page ad.

I chose a colored card-stock weighted paper for printing because I needed paper weight forrepparttar 100773 distribution method used and a lower cost thanrepparttar 100774 cost of printing in color. Printing black and white on colored paper is easier and cheaper than printing expensive color ads, unless you can afford it. But forrepparttar 100775 purpose of this campaign, you do not need to spend a fortune making your company look good in print.

Oncerepparttar 100776 printing is done, cutrepparttar 100777 full-page printed page in half, which produces two half-page ads. Next, takerepparttar 100778 ads and roll them into a cigar shape and secure with small rubber bands. Tiny rubber bands can be b purchased atrepparttar 100779 local office supply company, butrepparttar 100780 best bet forrepparttar 100781 appropriate size can be located at a local beauty supply company—ask for small hair braiding bands, usually kept in 500 and 1000 count. Keep a large box handy to placerepparttar 100782 rolled ads in until it is time to distribute.

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