Podcasting 101

Written by D. L. Randolph

The World Wide Web is chock full of interesting and unique technological advancements that make life a bit easier. Podcasting is a new technical advancement that has recently become allrepparttar rage with computer users. Mixingrepparttar 138516 words "iPod" and "broadcast" to give this new method of sound file publication a name, podcasting has become exceedingly popular since Apple's iPod and other mp3 players have come ontorepparttar 138517 scene and worked their way intorepparttar 138518 pockets of tech savvy individuals. The idea of a podcast may be difficult to grasp, but think of it in terms of a radio program or a magazine subscription for audio purposes. Instead of reading your subscription, you listen to it using specific software.

The technology behinds podcasting is phenomenal and complicated, but can be broken into easy to understand bits so evenrepparttar 138519 most non technical minds can marvel atrepparttar 138520 process. Audio files must be published to a website in order for individuals to accessrepparttar 138521 files in order to download them on a computer or mp3 player. These devices have a program that can read these files and allowrepparttar 138522 individual to listen torepparttar 138523 files. The same way digital video recorders (such asrepparttar 138524 ultra popular Tivo) records, transmits, and plays video images, podcasts players record and play audio transmissions. Podcasts are not just songs, they can be any type of audio recordings an individual wishes to hear. There are a great deal of podcasts available for interested individuals to subscribe just as there are a multitude radio stations that broadcast overrepparttar 138525 airwaves. Countries all overrepparttar 138526 world actively have podcasts started and are expanding their content. Popular Canadian broadcast show, "Quirks and Quarks" is currently podcast in addition to traditional radio broadcast. Similarly, programs inrepparttar 138527 United States andrepparttar 138528 United Kingdom are podcast to a number of happy subscribers.

The Greatest Cartoon Character of Them All...

Written by Ed Williams

If someone asked me whorepparttar greatest cartoon character of all-time is, I’d have no doubt as to who I‘d pick. Mickey Mouse? Well, he was great, but that high pitched voice of his got on my nerves pretty bad, plus, Mickey wore a tad thin once you got pastrepparttar 138515 age of twelve or thirteen. Popeye? Popeye had his good points, but he was at least a double bag haint, and besides, I could never understand all that under-the-breath stuff he said. Fred Flintstone? Just a Jackie Gleason rip-off, why watch Fred when you can watchrepparttar 138516 Great One instead? Woody Woodpecker? He got on my nerves and talked too fast to boot. Donald Duck? I never, ever understood what inrepparttar 138517 hell Donald was saying. Without doubt, my favorite cartoon character of all-time has to be Foghorn Leghorn.

And what a classic he is! I was recently given a video of nothing but Foghorn cartoons, and I laughed until I couldn’t see straight. Rememberrepparttar 138518 Widow Hen? Henery Hawk? Prissy? There were other characters, but out of them all I think I loved Barnyard Dogrepparttar 138519 most. Remember how Fog would tiptoe up to his house, pick him up byrepparttar 138520 tail, and then paddle his backside with a plank or worse? “That dawg” would jump up and chase Foghorn like he was possessed until his rope leash ran out, which would then yank a knot in his neck each and every time. Simply put, they just don’t make characters like these anymore, heck, they don‘t even make any close to these anymore.

The thing I liked best about Foghorn Leghorn was some of his remarks inrepparttar 138521 cartoons. There were some pure classics, I’ve laughed so hard at some of them that one time I actually pulled some muscles in my ribcage from strenuous laughter. He said some ofrepparttar 138522 most off-the-wall things imaginable, but he wasn’t that bad of a philosopher, either. Believe it or not, there’s a lot we can learn from ole Fog. So folks, here are some classic Foghorn remarks, delivered as only our favorite rooster can deliver them:

"Okay, I'll shut up. Some fellas have to keep their tongues flappin' but not me. I was brought up right. My pa used to tell me to shut up and I'd shut up. I wouldn't say nothin'. One time darn near starved to death. WOULDN'T TELL HIM I WAS HUNGRY!!"

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