Pneumonia almost stopped my lungs but Su-Doku Puzzles kept

Written by Rayzee

There is nothing like an "enforced rest" to make one re-evaluate one's life. Lying in a hospital bed with nothing to do except crosswords can be tedious. Then my wife brought me two Su-Doku puzzles fromrepparttar Times life changed!

I became so engrossed in these extra-ordinary puzzles that time just flew by me. They are so addictive they ought to carry a Health Warning. I planned to make these puzzles available torepparttar 140085 Internet community just as soon as I got home.

Guess what? My Doctor forbade me to return to work for four weeks. Bliss!

So, an "enforced rest" enabled me to build a web-site devoted entirely to Su-Doku. I felt a Monthly Su-Doku Puzzle Magazine would be 'just whatrepparttar 140086 Doctor ordered', and I was right.

Why Do Music Lovers Still Prefer to Buy Records?

Written by Charles Essmeier

Inrepparttar late 1940’s,repparttar 140071 45-RPM record replacedrepparttar 140072 78-RPM record. The 45 was smaller, less breakable and could be made and sold more cheaply. Despite these advantages, it took ten years beforerepparttar 140073 78 became obsolete, and inrepparttar 140074 meantime, record companies sold their product in both formats. In 1982,repparttar 140075 major record companies introducedrepparttar 140076 compact disc, which offered a smaller size, “perfect” sound, and less likelihood of damage in day to day use. Asrepparttar 140077 compact disc offered a much larger profit margin than didrepparttar 140078 long-play record album (LP)repparttar 140079 record companies were eager to rid store shelves of records once and for all. Given thatrepparttar 140080 78 lasted ten years afterrepparttar 140081 introduction ofrepparttar 140082 45, it seemed likely thatrepparttar 140083 LP would be gone fromrepparttar 140084 market by 1990. The expected disappearance ofrepparttar 140085 LP never happened. Despiterepparttar 140086 efforts ofrepparttar 140087 music industry, music fans and collectors not only continue to buy records today, but sales of records and record-playing equipment are onrepparttar 140088 rise.

Each year in January,repparttar 140089 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is held in Las Vegas. At this event, audio and video manufacturers show offrepparttar 140090 latest and greatest in their product lines. An unusual sight this year was notrepparttar 140091 large number of cutting-edge compact disc players, butrepparttar 140092 largest number of record turntables that had been seen atrepparttar 140093 event in years! Sales of both new and used records are hot, and equipment manufacturers are eager to reintroducerepparttar 140094 turntables they quit making years ago. Why are record sales increasing when compact discs are supposed to provide perfect sound in an unbreakable format? There are several

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